Stalinium armor?

ofcourse anyone can have a different opinion but ought to respect the opinion of the other dispite he doesnt find it right.

I think everyone did that

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not so sure about all …

That is what we would prefer but free speech would allow for people to not respect your opinions.

i agree but what would be the result of a conversation with no respect from both sides then?
i am assuming irony, insults, etc . is that what we want?
For example look what we are talking about right now, surely not about the subject of the post.

Never said it was the preferable outcome.

What i would prefer is for gaijin to kick it into high gear and finish giving tanks volumetric armor. It is impossible to talk about rounds vs armor when we have two very different armor systems in-game.

Your actually right there is a law in russia about misrepresenting a soviet vehicle in video games or literature you can google it up yourself if you want to read it …this game makes alot more sense after you do

Where you shot was between the plates modeled by Gaijin for the track and the side hull armor

Volumetric considered the equivalent of both sheets of metal rather than 1, and instead of having 88mm of armor it has ~110-170mm.

It’s also the T-34E which is an event vehicle, and it seems right at that specific location the armor is counted as 300+mm rather than the normal 110-170mm of the two plates.

Actual legitimate bug but not something Gaijin is going to take the time to fix unless you have the willpower to go through their inane bug reporting system.


Blah blah blah - only within the rules of hte forum - hence not actually freedom of speech.

Go get a dictionary.

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Here we go again…
Everywhere in social life are rules in freedom of speech . Even in the best of freedom rights country (country selection is yours) otherwise it would be anarchy of speech and not freedom, you must separete the one from the other. Thats why there are rules here too. Imagine me answering to you
‘’ no dude you are talking … (names) and you are …(names again) ‘’, you would probably answer me the same way and the conversation would turn into chaos.

You made you point which is fine, No problem. I made my point that is freedom of speech.
I have never heard so much rubbish as the suggestion that the “vile KGB driven Gajin games” are cynically trying to take over the world by making the T34 harder to kill.
It’s a stupid belief that gets the ridicule it deserves.

Is it something you made up? Absolutely not and I am not suggesting you did, you are simply putting this out there, no problem but it’s a common and stupid belief. David Icke does video gaming.

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Can you show me where exactly on my posts i mention that ‘‘KGB is driven Gaijin games’’ and ‘‘trying to take over the world’’ ??
Also please show me where exactly im calling your beliefs ‘‘stupid that deserve ridicule’’ like you

No, I mentioned it to make fun of a silly statement as is my right under free speech beliefs. You have the right to make a point I have the right to respond. If you can’t take the response, then don’t make the point.

Each person is responsible for their actions.

You are free to walk around Israel wearing a Swastika T shirt or black areas of the US dressed as the Klu Klux Klan but you will have to be prepared to deal with the unfortunate consequences. That is part of being a sensible adult applying free speech.

Make a silly statement, get a silly answer. That is the way of the forum.

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On damage model i have selected the proper spg and type shell i shot to t-34. Also i gave the slight elevated angle from the higher position i took the shot. The result is different

No problem. To my mind you hit the fuel tank. Now I have no support here but if the T34 is Diesel then that is a big tank of gloop .If its petrol then you have a different result. I don’t even know if that is physics in WT. Plus as I said, how much ammo is the enemy carrying? Down to last 3 or 4? Less?

You make a valid observation; I just don’t buy the Stalinium Idea.
You are not alone in your criticism of War Thunder’s ballistic setup that is for sure.

Thanks God, we finally found a common ground…lol

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We have some mysteries in this game and some annoying issues.

T-34E has reinforced armor and being an event vehicle it’s not been looked over like the base game T-34s.

Yes, the shot should have gone through from the angle and penetration. It didn’t because of volumetric.

The volumetric system shouldn’t have stopped the shot but the modeling for the T-34E has issues in specific spots on its side, in my screenshot you can see it’s green, it’s meant to go through, and a bit to the left and right it would have gone through. You hit the exact perfect location for the shell to have not gone through.

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I think that in your case the shot is from horizontal angle with no elevation and the hit point you have selected is the thin plate over the track almost perfectly horizontally thats why the model shows 327mm armor . my model is from eleveted angle (which i was) and the hit point is almost at the exact point the battle screenshot shows.

Ingame you didn’t penetrate with that impact area, either way the reasoning for the impact not penetrating is volumetric.