Stalinium armor?

So no damages at all, no fire , no fuel tank damage, no crew injuries or fatalities, no track damage , no engine damage , totally nothing… lol!!!

i bet that not even the paint was scratched…lol!!

Why get so excited about one tank ?

Fuel tank was blacked out but won’t show up as critical damage, should have probably start a fire.

As i replied before to an other player its not about one tank , surely this is happening with other nations tanks too but from my experience and i think from other players experience too with russian tanks its the most usual to happen than any other nation. Thats why ‘‘stalinium’’ meme exists in this game and not other memes as ‘Hitlerium’ , ‘Churchilium’, ‘Rooseveltium’ and etc.


It is just another wonderful flaw in a game that is awash with them, one of the worst is how delayed everything is you are not actually seeing reality or reacting to things you are lagging behind all the time, just a serious of random events which you have very little or no input too the shit just happens.
Best not get too involved or engaged with the game as it will drive you to despair it has no reason or reality just things that happen that you cannot fathom out.

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The only logical explanation then has to be direct interference from the Kremlin under the express orders of Vladimir Putin himself. I mean, what else could it possibly be?

To suggest some kind of technical error or a shot into a non-fatal area of said T34 is asking one to suspend disbelief too far especially as espionage would and should be the first port of call for any rational human being.

Might I suggest staying clear of large men in fur hats for the foreseeable future and keep a sharp eye out for well dressed women with knives in their shoes.

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im passing by your conspirancy theories, all im saying is that a russian game seems to me that favours more russian tanks than other nations, is that so absurd? what for the sarcasm?

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No you are not. You are spreading them by repeating them.

And here you are doing the very thing you claim you are not doing.

Completely and utterly.

I imagined for one brief moment that you may have had a sense of humour.

Failing that how else do you expect anybody to respond to your conspiracy theories?

It was an attempt at having a laugh which fell flat due to your inability to do that but even then, what kind of sensible answer do you really expect to such a ludicrous claim?

Is the Kremlin really interfering? Is that where you are heading with this? We had this on the old forum, Russian game, Russian Government etc. etc. just because somebody missed his shot at a T34.


He is using the italian 90mm, and it has an overpressure effect due to the ~300g of TNT in it. It will always kill all the crew in your tank, even in the FCM 2C.

It was the volumetric that caused it. You just had a very unlucky shot. There is no russian bias in this game.


i see that is very difficult for you to let someone have an opinion …have you ever heard about democracy and freedom of speech?

So the OP is going off topic on his own post?


I agree. It’s just a tiresome old wife’s tale from the Ministry of we must all hate Russia.


To answer above yes it is happening to all tanks its not only the Russian T34, same goes for the Finish and the Chinese etc. but lets be honest it is happening alot to the T34_1943 and then second in line is the KV-1s.

it is happening more often to moving tanks and this proves it is delay + volumetric armor issues and since the t34 is not a mobile fuel tank probably it is bad designed and need to be looked at.

By the way I got the same to my STUG G today, a Chinese player in a PZ IV H (I think because of the characters) was shooting me from behind and it was getting hit hit hit with no damage to me

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Moving tank deflecting stuff that it shouldn’t is 100% same bug that has been going ages with turning turret somehow generating infinite amount of armor. Gaijin has been trying to fix that turret bug several times and still PzIV and T-34s eat 88 and 90mm rounds because turret was turning.

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and the funny thing is that people are using this moving the turret on “dancing” the tank and it freaking works!!!

It so stupid like driving backwords but it works and it is effective

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Yes I’ve heard of them - utterly irrelevant to the discussion since this is a privately run forum and you do not have freedom of speech and nor do you get a vote


Eh its arcade, cant take it serious

Dispite it is a privately run forum as you said, everybody has the ability either to create a discussion subject like i did or to express his opinion about it like you any many others, so there is indeed freedom of speech. In addition democracy has not only to do with votes and elections as you said , freedom of speech and democracy come together (or it should…).

Freedom of speech means that forum users can tell you that you are talking out of your hat if they belive you are.

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