Squadron vehicles: T-90 Bhishma

Yeah… or the fact they wont add prototype or paper vehicles unless its soviet (Knrosthadt, 2S38 and Yak-141)

For navy they said from the beginning finalised blueprints will be acceptable because many navies have big holes outside of uk and usa post ww2.

Hmmm… reasonable, its just a shame they treat UK like it had a bad navy

true, i was so excited because you cant deny the RN was the premier navy for 1900, ww1 and most of ww2. dwarfing the next 2 navies combined at the start of ww2. they should be getting the same treatment russia and america get with top tier jets and tanks

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Yeah but its also the little things. Lack of radar on most ships, missing shells, even the 15 inch gun nerfs render the renown and hood useless in a long range fight. They are also kinda selective on what we can and cannot have. WW2 version of Belfast would have been really fun, but only slightly more powerful than what we have now, but we had to have the nerfed post ww2 refit

by missing shells are you referring to HE for Hood?

Would be a good addition but the Renown is missing HE-VT on secondaries and should have 6 charge not 4 charge shells (i think thats the right name). There are probably also other examples i dont know about, but they seem really selective with shells

yeah a lot of people went nuts hood didnt have HE including me but when i looked into it Hood couldnt use HE. Her ammunition elevators were too tight a fit and the HE shells are a bit longer by a few mm, enough that they didnt fit. Her rfit was going to fix it if i recall but that never happened of course.

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Yeah, but the main change i want for the hood is for her to have accurate guns. The shell dispersal is her greatest weakness. Either that or get some ships with smaller guns like King geroge V

Weird since none of them are copy paste.
And only 2 of them are Soviet, both of which are status-quo vehicles.
You don’t even know what’s all going into the update.


@Smin1080p so just out of curiosity does this mean that other commonwealth vehicles will be added to the UK tech tree in future updates or was the T-90S just a one
Off thing?

This kinda backfired on you, because now UK has the majority of the votes.

I wouldn’t freak out. By Gaijin logic, they’ll make the TURMS a French tank, as France had claims to parts of Syria and Lebanon. They’ll probably send the Su-22 over too.

Maybe, like the Suez, Gaijin can split half of an Egyptian tree between France and the UK while they’re at it.


Al Khalid is Sino-Pakistani, not Russian. T-55 is another gimmick cash grab PREMIUM tank with the flamethrower. 2S1 is another paper armor SPH (cool but useless), and the T-90S isn’t in the Russian tree.

However, I do agree that the T-90S does not belong in the British tree.

Possibly that as the starting ammunition and there FSAPDS Mk-I round as the Tier IV round modification:

FYI: India has purchased this tank from Russian. So it should be Russia/Soviet tech-tree, not in Britain tech-tree. It will be way more better.


typical colonial supporter huh?
the T-90 is a russian vehicle - go to russia
the arjun is a redesigned leopard - go to germany

unless the indians bought a british vehicles it dosent have any right to go to britian.
otherwise if the indians get their own TT theres no issue. but please dont attempt to enslave my people any longer

When I say they’re Soviet, I mean in origin. Not in the Soviet tree. Hence why I also said, in the same sentence, that Gaijin should stop russifying other trees.

Key statements:

Of which, 4 are Soviet vehicles or Soviet related

The right thing to do would be to postpone 4 of the Soviet vehicles and stop russifying other trees

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There’s literally the devblogs.

Yes, which proves all are unique vehicles.
Flamethrower, new T-90 derivative, and so forth are all unique.

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