Squadron vehicles: T-90 Bhishma

You know Germany also recieved multiple vehicles despite the fact they never operated.

Although i do agree with you that addition of T90 to British tech tree shouldnt be in the first place but whats done is done.


it dosent, britian never used it nor tested it nor had any part in it. india did.
otherwise i would be supporting you. i dont want to face 10 T-90 tanks from russia, britian, sweden and others for the foreseeable future

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thank you sir. people like you who are consistent are to be admired. unlike a few others i know who will take to screaming bias but they forget that squadron vehicles isnt the only method of implementation

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Well, Butter Chicken (not actually an Indian dish) is the number one dish in the UK! So maybe the T-90S an Indian (Russian) tank belongs in a British tree!

lol by that logic im still a slave of the british empire!


Uh, devs, this got massive backlash the last time it was announced, was hoping it had been scrapped, we all did. Britain has bigger problems and giving us Russia’s hand-me-downs is going to absolutely nothing for us.


At least his logic makes sense. There’s zero connection to the UK government or MOD regarding the acquisition of the T-90 by the Indian government. And it may have Indian specs, but that’s internal systems. They didn’t modify the dimensions of the hull or turret in any appreciable way. Like a lot of Rosoboronexport agreements, intial deliveries come assembled from Russian factories, and production lines are built domestically. Then initial systems are made, under license, and they eventually become semi-domestic.

Unless Avadi is a town in the UK, there’s ZERO connection.

At least Russia is capturing all these “lend-lease & gift” tanks. T-V, KW I C 756 (r), KW II 754 (r), M4 748 (a), are all just some of the best examples of wartime captured equipment being added in game to a tech tree.

And yes, I know that means the US gets the T-90M someone spotted on a flatbed in Alabama or whatever.


Copy paste US tech tree into UK tree when? Seriously, most every country was once a colonial subject or commonwealth territory of the British Empire. Why not let them pick and choose literally whatever the UK needs to fill out it’s tree.

It’s not UK mains fault that empires decline, and that Suez 1956 collapsed what was left of that imperial prestige.


And yet a Sherman does nothing to break immersion (what’s left of it lol) or disrupt the meta.

Low tier and top tier equipment is a different matter anyways.

7 vehicle devblogs. Of which, 4 are Soviet vehicles or Soviet related:
T-55, T-90, Al Khalid, 2S1.
Also 3 are copy paste.

Well Gaijin, if you want to prove to the players that you’re not Soviet-biased, you’re doing a damn poor job at that. The right thing to do would be to postpone 4 of the Soviet vehicles and stop russifying other trees, and instead add at least 3 vehicles each to the following nations:
UK, France, Italy, Japan, Israel.


Oh yeah, it’s finally time for the UK to have a good top tier mbt, can’t wait, very worthwhile addition.

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will it have 3bm60 round?

the uk is the best techtree for indian vehicles or do you suggest that russia should get all indian vehicles?


no 3bm42/46 most likely tho

“we are continuing to work on filling the British ground forces tree, which will include various armored, infantry fighting vehicles, and light tanks.”

Great, I see you guys missed the same disclaimer for France

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Because they are dumping all commonwealth nations into the britain tree. India is a member of the commonwealth. Its a weak connection in my opinion and there are so many better options they could have added, but thats the grave gaijin has decided to dig for britain


This is hilarious!!🤣

Except when its an australian abrams tank. Or canadian leopard or ram tank. They make up the rules despite the players of the nation.

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Would rather have copies of T90, BMP 2/3 and T-72 in the British or some Unique and extensively modified vehicles instead?