
Since my bug report has been declined, not much left to do but “democracy”.

So, this is the Devs explanation…

“No changes are planned for SPO-10 in SB.
SPO-10 can’t detect HPRF and CW illumination for SARH missiles IRL”

And this is what the actual 21Bis manual says…

“Once the illuminating radar has changed over from SCAN to the LOCK-ON mode, the frequency of sound signal sharply grows and the corresponding lights start flickering.
When the range between the enemy interceptor and your aircraft becomes as small as 5 to 2 km (depending on the irradiation power of the illuminating radar), the SPO-10 equipment will operate in all the four channels (all the lights burning).” (page 70)
Microsoft OneDrive

EDIT: I have even an original manual, which describes the issue in more detail, but isn’t translated, so I can provide one if necessary.

So, Devs are obviously talking outta their a$$ and need to be called out for that.


devs have butchered my Su-17/22 as well…
they put a forbidden loadout which by no sources is forbidden, and put the same loadout available on the Su-25 which by no sources has been operationally used.

so here i am, facing the short end of the stick no matter which end i pick.

From what you said i cant see anything wrong
Your manual said it could detect LOCK, and what dev said is it cant detect LAUNCH which is not mentioned in the manual
Also if it operate in all the four channels it’s a neaf cause in game when enemy is near you it could still mention the correct direction now


No, Dev said SPO10 can’t detect HPRF, which is a jibber jabber, for “I don’t have a clue”.
The point…SPO10 is a H-J band RWR and can pickup any PRF within that freq. range.
If CW is outta that range, fine, but atm SPO10 can’t pickup SRC, nor TRK from ordinary I band radar like APG59.

Funnily enough, that same ingame SPO10 doesn’t have any problems picking up 1RL144 PD J band radar from 2S6 in SRC and TRK modes.

And Guess what Sparrows use for guidance? Its only specific combinations of Late Sparrows(AIM-7F and later) and airframes(F-16C ,F-15 & F-18) that use HPRF, they otherwise use dedicated (FM)CW illuminators.

F-16 AIM-7 timeline


What he means: SPO-10 cant specific the HPRF signal in received signal so it cant detect launch
What you thought: SPO-10 could receive HPRF signal so it could detect launch, but it’s false because it dont know what it receive is HPRF, CW or normal lock


Fine, but even if CW is outside SPO10’s band, I still need to be alert when F-4S starts pinging me and particularly tracking with its I band APG59 radar.

I have no clue what he meant, just what he wrote.
My report was submitted regarding GJ’s decision to make Doppler radars not register on SPO10 and some other RWRs.

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Gaijin seem to have information to the centaury:

SPO-10 doesn’t detect radar signals with PRF lower than 800 Hz and higher than 8000 Hz, which means that it can’t detect MPRF and HPRF pulse-doppler signals.

The DCS devs also seem to have come to the same conclusion:

  • Improved: SPO-10 RWR remodelling.
    • Each channel is now processed separately.
    • Detection based on radiation pattern of the antennas, power density of the incoming radiation and sensitivity of the detectors. The detection range will change depending on relative bearing and is not a linear function of emitting radar’s range anymore.
    • Detection limited to radar sources within the operational frequency range of the system (7.5 to 16.6 GHz carrier frequency, 740-8000Hz PRF).

Have you got anything to say the PRF range extends above 8,000 Hz?


I’ve posted it above.
Mig21Bis Pilot’s manual clearly states the SPO10 picks up SRC and TRK, from an airborne H-J band radar, which commonly occur at MPRF/HPRF.
PRF can’t be higher than radar’s freq. (which is within SPO10’s op. bandwidth), so I’d really love to hear from those who “concluded” anything, how does the product of their “concluding” work.

Obviously, GJ copied figures from ED and it would be interesting to know where they come up with those figures for a PRF range.

The F-4J’s radar operates at a PRF of 300,000 Hz, which is well above the 8,000 Hz PRF the SPO-10 can apparently detect.

I don’t know where they got the performance figures from, but it was certainly not uncommon for early RWRs to be incapable of detecting pulse doppler emissions, so it seems entirely believable.


I doubt it since PRF of 300kHz wouldn’t give the radar more than 500m of range.
But still, do you have any source for that SPO10’s PRF “range”, other than what some dudes “concluded” on DCS forum?


Thanks for sharing this.

Well that confirms it then. The maximum PRF the SPO-10 can detect is 8,000 Hz, which means there is no way it can detect HPRF radars (which are by definition all over 30,000 Hz).


Here is the F-4J Weapons System manual:

The Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI) is 3.3 microseconds (0.0000033 seconds). The formula for PRF is:



PRF = 1/0.0000033
PRF = 303,030Hz


But this is just a velocity search.
You don’t get to fix the contact position, because the radar returns ambiguous range.
In 300kHz PRF, you get mere 500m of unambiguous range.
Everything farther is ambiguous range.
So, the most common ACM mode range is about 20km, which is about 8kHz PRF.
If you wanna scan further, you need to decrease PRF even further.

So you see, if you wanna launch you need to come down to SPO10’s PRF range, especially when it comes to SARH, because of fusing…at least with these radars.

Thx, now all makes sense.

Velocity search is the only pulse-doppler search mode the F-4J’s radar has.

The F-4J’s radar does not obtain target range during tracking by lowering the PRF, it would cease to be a HPRF radar if it did that. It achieves ranging by modulating the HPRF waveform:

And that modulation is only 85 Hz (SPO-10 won’t be detecting it - not that it would be able to even if it were higher):



Can you upload that manual?

So, what does the manual say about the max. range in that mode, at that PRF?



Corresponding PRF numbers and Hz
