Split Tracked Rapier into a early/late standard (the hitile is born!)


Please tell us that our voices are being heard by the developers.
We, the players of the British tech tree, would like to finally get a SAM for the 9.3 or at least for the 9.7 lineup. Since the Stormer AD apparently cannot go down in BR, an early Tracked Rapier seems to be our best option right now.

Edit: Well, please let us know when there are news regarding this then :)


Ah, thanks.

Haven’t caught up over on the RR&D thread yet

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Cheers for linking it, I was meaning to but er, yeah IRL has hit me like a brick today.

Dont know if I will be keeping up to date with potential updates on this 1 chaps. If anyone sees anything from the devs do throw it over in here for those hyped on the idea.


A missile SPAA is desperately needed for Britain at 9.3/9.7 because of helis. At this BR, helicopters outrange and outmanoeuvre any radar SPAA that does not have proxy fuse, and a less capable Rapier variant would be PERFECT to fit this role.


seeing as there isn’t a better place, the new firing sounds is amasing!


Yup, was meaning to update this, the sounds great, the lack of smoke on launch is great, the missile seems to be way more responsive/sitting on the scope better.

Deffo looking forward to using it.