Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I hope so because in 2 salvos the first almost every shell hits I dont change anything and suddenly every shot is straddling the guy

I know that pain all too well

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Is it a preorder? If theres no preorder bonus for it they might not sell it until the update drops

The F/A-18C with AESA can still come to the game. It will probably be called the F/A-18C+. But I am with you. Would have been nice for a more significant change rather then choosing to limit weapons load.

Anyone else getting this?


You can always come join my crusade for a 9.3 impact fuze only rapier ;)

I just hope that gaijin notice the suggestion though xD

They are addind Matsu!

Best update ever!


Any info about the Swiss F/A-18C Hornet? Could it still come this Update or is it denied?

What if you was to do a vehicle suggestion of an early variant.

Will do that if this mission fails, but its far easier/quicker turnaround to make a beg thread in the dev server forum when its a simple copy-paste job.

The only thing they really need to do is I think a slight modification to the missile and its set.

Guys I still have the Failed to load player profile problem, please someone can help me?

Could you please clarify what year the F/A-18C (early) is a Hornet?

I assume from the camouflage that it is a timestamp from Operation Desert Storm or Desert Shield?

The basic camouflage on the F/A-18C Early, dates it to 1989 at the earliest, given that the specific squadron only adopted them in that year, if you include the AN/AAS-38A, that dates it to at least 1993

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Or downgrade F-15C Baz from israel tech tree to pre Baz Meshupar (improve Baz), remove AIM-120A and guided Air-to-Ground munitions (GBU-8 and GBU-31 & GBU-38 JDAM).

I’m waiting F-15D Baz Meshupar (with Python 5, AIM-120B, AGM-142 Popeye and SPICE 1000 & 2000) in the future

F/A-18C late from USA tech tree decompression BR to 14.3 before gajin add AIM-9X (Block 1) and AIM-120C-5.

Now lack RVV-AE

I don’t mind gajin add RVV-AE and BR 12.3 → 13.0

This premium aircraft lowest BR in rank 8

What does even Italian tornado supposed to have? Laser Guided SDBs? Spice bombs?

yes i really want AGM-84E

basically a GR-4 but instead of Paveway IVs it gets EGBUs or something, no spice bombs tho that’s greek

Is it my problem or only Gaijin accounts can use dev server, cause I can’t log in with steam.

New Tornado IDS from italy tech tree in dev server ?

None Rafael SPICE guided munition series only

Dev server still down?