Seeing as I’m the only one that’s replied to your post. And I didn’t provide you with that answer. It sounds like you already had the answer in your head. Negating any reason for you to be posting unless it’s to contribute to the topic at hand.
I posed the question in ~4 threads. None of the threads were moved. Lack of action is still an answer.
The community asked for a lot of things that don’t happen so it’s still just Gaijin making these changes.
There’s a plethora of vehicles that are now suffering because all those planes that got downtiered into their uptier range because of this absurd stubbornness from Gaijin to refuse increasing the BRs even though literally everyone knows that is what needs to be done to solve the problems.
Seeing as it’s their game, and they control the BRS. It is completely gaijin that makes these changes. I’m not going to argue with you on that. It’s fact. They can’t act on every piece of feedback that they get. But they did act on this. It was a good move for the spitfire. And it was only a.3 BR change.
So someone moved your thread and you’re upset about it. And now you’re posting in other threads off topic to see why they’re not moved? That’s kind of sad.
I use these forums seriously if moderation is arbitrary then it’s best to know before caring about enforcement.
It’s moderated by a bunch of volunteers. What do you expect? Lol
Vamilad mald run any % go
Oh yeah a great move for the Spitfire, as it would have been for any other plane that gets a BR change despite it’s performance not justifying that change as it’s already sitting on 75% winrates before the change.
Would also have been a great move for any other plane that was at 7.0, many of which are actually suffering, like the 229.
About time you learned.
Be prepared to be seriously let down
How do you not know those aren’t in next month’s BR changes?
Why would they not do it now? Why do we have to wait months for the second half of changes?
The 229 has a k/d of 0.6 and the Spitfire 1.6 with a higher winrate… what justifies that only the Spitfire gets lowered and why do worse performing vehicles not get lowered at the same time?
They do BR changes once a month for the most part. Sometimes they skip a month or two depending on their development cycle. So why wouldn’t they do it? If you really want this change to happen. Take the time and research it, write up a suggestion and post it. Otherwise, just coming on here and whining is simply going to be perceived as just that whining. Make your argument, offer some solutions. Then hope for the best. That’s all we can ask for as community members.
Why would anyone waste their time doing that when they just do whatever? For 10 years we’ve been making suggesting as to how to deal with spawncamping, how to balance CAS, how we need decompression and a plethora of improvements for the game, absolutely none of that has been listened to.
And just the latest changes, things like the Type 81, they didn’t even suggest it, they just forced it through with zero justification in the end, zero explanation, no one asked for it but they just do it and they still refuse to elaborate… within 6 months to go from 10.0 to 11.0, which is against their own words about gradual BR increases but whatever right? Up to 11.3 where it’s outclassed and overtiered.
You know if you don’t like how the game’s progressing, you can always play something else. No one is forcing you to be here.
1.53 K/D (from a poor but only source) and people say the 24 is OP, and the win rate does not mean it is tied to just this vehicles performance but the teams a minor nation gets (gonna be less US, everyone seems to face US most the time). When all we have is a third party screenshot showing a single game (at a BR it would have seen at 7.0, IF you are very lucky) where a presumably decent player did well (the entire rest of team getting a total of 5 kills, not because they versed a 24, and oh look, someone got lumbered with Ju288s are are a good chance just SL/RP earners) and the other 24 did not.
The Ho229 probably needs a lot of love (I only ever unlocked and never got around to spading that rank of jets, just unlocked them all), and the new 8.0s are causing some feedback, but I have no idea the “OMG look at the Spit 24” lark by players never using it.
I gave up spading the 24 in RB and did it in PvE as 7.7/8.0 matches were not fun, usually in part to an early team collapse but that is just how they go.
The issue as usual is the lack of breathing room for current BRs that should really have a bit better spread. But these 16 v 16s I have never liked being a more amateur pilot, and make for quite the disappointment as a learning player.
I’d support some love for the German early jets, but trying to dump on the Spit 24 seems just spiteful.
As if the spitfire belonged with jets or was better than any of the current 6.3 superprops
That’s just how this game is balanced, it’s stupid, illogical and outright wrong, but now it’s also random…