Spike Problem

Are they ever going to make spikes function correctly? I know they recently increased penn to be a band aid fix but are they every gonna make them strike from the top or even be remotely accurate. They also recently moved the puma up to 11.0 instead of with other tanks so its in a line up of its own.

https://forum.warthunder.com/t/spike-lr-others/97774 This guy has the right idea but is from a few months ago this needs to keep being brought up until they decide to fix it.


If you use the spike Puma there is a little workaround for the flight curve, sincethe puma spike launcher elevation is adjustible. Try to aim up when having locked the target, then fire. This will result in a steeper launch angle, and lead to the missile impacting on the top of the tank.
But on tanks with fixed spike launcher (like vilkas) you cant do anything about the missile flying into obstacles constantly or hitting only the barrel or turret ring.

Nevertheless, the flight path in game is worng, this is a bug. The spike is a top attack missile and it should be fixed as soon as possible.


IDK I ventured into top tier after a year long hiatus for a dozen rounds and in half of them I got insta deleted by SPIKE 10 seconds after spawning in. Seems to me that they work perfectly fine.

What vehicles did you use?

I think it’s an engine limitation, Hellfires and AGM-65 often impact the front plate of the tank and not the top.

These top attack systems all need a massive rework and I include the TOW-2B and the BILL missile in that list.


Then why does the Spike ER and kh-38 attack from the top?

I havent used the SPIKE ER, or the KH
Do they always hit from the top or is it more a roll of the dice. As a test if you were to fly low and launch these missiles do they automatically loft?

Man i used the Vilkas and shot a spike at someone and hit hit the lower plate like i fired it straight on, then ive had the ricochet a few times which is a bit crazy.

I pretty much main the Israeli AH-60 that holds the spike ER. From 200 meters altitude the missiles loft to atleast 1500 and hit at an angle of no less than 60 degrees. When i get home from work ill share screenshot from a replay

Thats interesting, so they have the game logic to do it they just dont implement it to the other top attack systems

My guess is, if they make it loft too much, you will lose the ability to hit targets that are atleast 400 meters from you. There needs to be some formula for the missile to loft according to the distance from the target:
0-100 no loft
100-300 slight loft
300-500 slightly more loft
500+ full loft

Wolfpack coupled with F-15C.
There always is some Vilkas shooting SPIKEs from spawn to spawn. Notably Quarry, Iberian Castle and other map I don’t remember. Nothing I can do, just spawn, try to run for cover but the missile was always just faster. Always OHK. I switched to Leopard 2A7V for 2 games and in one game I got killed by the Hungarian SPIKE vehicle. So being on the recieving end, I can tell you that it killed me every time I got hit by it.

I return to top tier every fall since 2021 checking if they fixed it, but it gets progressively worse and worse.

Of course spikes obliterate you, wolfpack has no armor, so it doesnt really matter if the spike hits you without lofting in the capula or the wheels. The spikes ingame struggle mainly against MBTs, which they shouldnt.

And that 1 game in the 2A7? That vilkas got extremely lucky, and anybody who plays with the LR2 will tell you that.

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Spikes being too reliable is bad for gameplay. I’ve said it before, I believe the Spikes are unreliable as a balancing factor, since being on the receiving end of a F&F missile with little counterplay is never going to feel good.

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Then the vehicles that cary them need to be balanced appropriately. The Vilkas has a 30mm Bushmaster. Which has pretty poor penetration and post penetration, the Namer is the same.

If these missiles have been nerfed for balance then these 2 vehicles BR should be reduced to reflect that.

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Look at the 2022 Dune-themed April fools event which tested top attack, FnF missiles. To me it seems it was way more top attack like and had no accuracy issues.

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Target is 3.45 km away, My alt is 83m:



This is the loft trajectory:


Final hit:


better angle than a regular LR2. longer distance to target makes the angle sharper and more from the top. This shot is considered close range, but i couldnt find any replay with longer range hits

this is from a test drive, target 7 km away. Look at the crazy angle it hits the T-64!




I agree completley.
In my experience all the missiles you mentioned all are very very inconsistent where they impact. Sometimes they even impact at angles that are not possible. Sometimes the killcam shows hellfires impacting the tank from the side, although it is facing me frontally. Or showing lower plate penetrations on tanks that are hull down.
I aswell think the engine cant handle projectiles that dont have a set path very well.
TOW2B and Spike sometimes also tend to somhow just dissapear or do 0 damage although i have seen them head on the enemy tank.

Care to share the screen of a hit cam? Since even missile impact from top the heat explosion would be horizontal…

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