Spike ERs go through smoke and are FNF, AGM-114Ls go through smoke and are FNF

starstreaks are broken, invalid opinion.
if they are not broken, explain why you die to aircraft constantly

starstreaks aside it has more powerful engines so has better mobility, making it objectively better than the american one

considering the only Anti air it can carry is broken and it has minimally more powerful engines, it is worse.

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No one can get fnf hellfires cuz it wouldn’t be fair.

Completely fair to give 1/4 of the nations fnf missiles on their helis though.

I mean why wouldn’t Germany need the best tank, best heli and best jet. The notion is absurd that they could tolerate anything less.

the best tanks and tank line ups still is sweden with the strv122s series being stronger then even 2a7vs

the french tiger or italian AH-129D are better , not only do they get both access to chin cannons
mistral missles for the a2a options, choice between hellfire missles or spikes depending on the map and the amount of coverage their is
And even outerpylons rocket pods which are missing for the UHT if you would wanna do early heli rush

ignoring how the eurofighter is shared between 3 nations. UK eurofighter gets LWS as well for example.
Even more so F-15E actualy gets fnf missles compared to the eurofighter. Or the Rafale with the hammer missle/bombs.

I am all for hellfire Ls , the ops explanation of it is bad and this thread is a joke like all of his are.
But hellfire Ls means typhoons get mmw brimstones so sure go for it.

But yout statements are factualy all wrong


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small brainfart corrected it

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im calling JAGM-F that at some point lol

Thats right, you wanted spawn protection nerfed so you could spawn camper better.

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The best tank is whatever you value more. I would prefer the dart and thermals. The strv wouldn’t suit my needs as well as 2a7 if I was choosing. I don’t believe the strv is better. Don’t present an opinion as a fact.

You’re splitting hairs IMO opinion about Italian vs French and German. You all get fire and forget munitions. Again, presenting opinion as fact. FNF is FNF, splitting hairs about which nations OP heli is more OP is a comical take.

I’m not ignoring anything. Britain is a shit nation, getting the best jet is what they should get. Sharing the best jet is still, say it with me, “having the best jet.” The f15 and rafale also get 6 missiles, not 18. So that’s already been balanced, nexxxt.

It’s not unbalanced like the Leo’s, and helis.

Woah, hold on there lil buddy, there’s more to the game than top-tier. Show the teaaboos some love.

Not for me lol. I’m only relevant from at maximum 10.0 and up. Still, their tanks are demonstrably worse than just about everyone else’s in these brackets.

Britain 10.7 is lovely, there you go. Only suckas be putting themself in the firing line in a Chally2.

You’re the first to speak any positivity on Britain lol

I’ll look into, I never have specifically because of all the self and external hate it gets lol

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nr 1 swedish darts spall better, german ones have a slightly higher penetration, but thats it, thermal isnt that big the difference between gen 2 and gen 3 is way lower then from gen 1 to gen 2


sounds pretty factualy to me, do what you preach yourself firrst

i factualy compared the advantages of the heli, and its is a fact that overall those are better.
German one isnt the best when those other 2 can do all the UHT does and even more and better

again actual fnf missles that the F15 and rafale get are a huge advantage. Besides you seem to be forgetting that the F-15 can take lgbus additionaly as well which act pretty much the same as brimstones

in short you started saying facts first, i just proofed you wrong and you cant deal with it

Take the Pepsi Challenge - Vickers Mk.7, Chally MK.3, your choice of SPAA (Strela), other MBT / support vehicles, Lynx/G-Lynx, whatever CAS you vibe with. If you got a spare slot - ZT3A2’s tandems will nuke anything in a pickle. Thank me later.

Nvm I don’t feel like arguing anymore this is stupid. Give me the response you’re writing because I know it’s impossible to hold in, but I won’t be responding again.

i was not fighting you there, i am just saying its closer to opinion , which makes your statements wrong

its the internet, people gonna fight you when you overstate capabilties and lie about them easy as that

and there you go running away, because you statements in fact were wrong for the most part.
You might apparantly hate germany for whatever reason, but wrong statements dont lead you anywhere when they can easily be fought

LMAO the US doesn’t even get the best Apache available in-game, let alone best helicopter.

They aren’t.

Arguably tied for first. USSR is just as good, if not just outright better.