Spike ERs go through smoke and are FNF, AGM-114Ls go through smoke and are FNF

American technology.

This thread isn’t gonna last long but: Elaborate?


Vamilad, all the explanation you need


Is he just like a notorious “Merica hell yeah” poster? It’s been a good few weeks since I last used the forums

Idk, his topics are typically reported and locked by the time I get here

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okay so one of those guys

He gets killed by something then makes a thread that has zero context or meaning. Often it is something dumb or something he just assumes.

Like when he died to a tank that respawned to kill his heli so he made a thread saying that the respawn timer needs increased to give him more time to get behind cover.

Or when he claimed that a pantsir hit his plane through a building. I went and found the replay only to watch a pantsir have the clearest possible shot.

He also goes and spams to necro threads whenever his own spam threads get locked.

TLDR: child that has a temper tantrum whenever things dont do his way.


Okay so the Forum’s own personal “He’s Hacking!” kid

Basically. But minus the hacking claim. He just demands things that he thinks will benefit him and wants anything that kills him removed or nerfed.


close enough for me

this vamilad guy has made a billion posts where he cries about the agm-114l lmao

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The stated reason as to why the US is not allowed to have its FNF missile which allows its superiority against armored targets in regards to helicopters is that it will track through smoke.

Spike ERs go through smoke, Vihkrs go through smoke, why is the AGM-114L unbalanced?


Any buff to the US is simply nation patriotism it can’t be due to the nation sporting the lowest win rate of any nation in War Thunder while missing its domestic weaponry it’s been using since 1995.


I have never advocated for the respawn timer being increased in War Thunder.

I have advocated across multiple threads for various ways to improve map design to discourage spawn killing. As shown with Gaijin’s most recent addition they clearly are wholly incapable of designing maps. This leaves only gameplay adjustments to fix their system. Immunity to all damage despite being able to freely return damage is illogical.

If you don’t move and you’re immune that’s fine, but sitting there staring at the enemy team for 5 seconds while firing is not enjoyable. “Just don’t spawnkill” I would absolutely love to not be forced to spawn kill the enemy but unfortunately objectives in War Thunder dictate this is team deathmatch and that the more enemies that are killed the faster I receive rewards.


I’m confused was the missile added to the game so that US CAS can remain competitive?

Why would I suddenly stop advocating for the thing which I am advocating for if it has yet to be added?

When have I once stated I wish spall liners to be removed from the game?

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making 20 different posts wont change your situation
cry about it

Doesn’t every missile in the game go through smoke? Issue with MMW radar guided stuff is unless they add chaff smoke there is no counter except for an APS or hard cover vs IR where smoke and moving defeats the missile

You’re providing me conflicting answers.