When the laser is disrupted the missile veers left or right, not in to the smoke. You can occasionally force the missile in using its inertia but it’s not accurate.
someone doesnt understand sarcasm with the cry about it
someones learning what IOG is apparently.
Going trough smoke into the last known spot isnt the same as targeting trough the smoke
you only need to move 5m while covered from the smoke and you literaly are save from spikes they dont have a huge amount of explosives
literaly skill issue here once again, one would think you would learn by know that the way you are making posts is bad and you need to actualy provide stuff besides your non sensical statements
Sarcasm doesn’t translate through text. This is also a discussion forum so it makes little sense not to consider posts literal.
IOG does not allow tracking through smoke. This is what is in discussion.
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If you are unaware these forums are designed to provide feedback to the developers.
if you are unaware, the developers already have known for years that people want the 114L in the game.
I was moreso hoping for elaboration on:
Buffing a nation because of winrate makes sense but it has to be a real buff and not synthetic. Yes I know AGM-114Ls exist and yes I know we’re missing domestic weaponry but realistically how much of the US win rate is because of tech and how much is it the players?
Most beautiful thread I’ve ever seen
So this is the modern art I have been hearing about.
yup regardless of what @Smin1080p_WT has said, it seems they will in fact nerf a nation because of other people whining. Notice how the U.S still doesn’t have a single fire and forget weapon/vehicle in the game that isnt tied to a plane that cost 700+ spawn points to spawn.
Multiple nations now have top tier premiums their win rates are not similar to the US.
When did I mention top tier premiums?
The US win rate is only poor at top tier. The US has three MBTs and a functional light tank as well as access to functional CAS. It lacks SPAA but so do several other NATO nations.
There’s numerous factors which lead to a poor win rate, but there is no contention on US helicopters being under equipped compared to every other nation minus China and Japan. Japan has Apaches they would see this buff. China has strong A2A missiles on their helicopters I do not know what domestic vehicles they have that would help.
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The big three share the highest userbase. Both Russia and Germany have top tier premiums but don’t suffer as poorly in win rate.
If you have empirical evidence showing US players as worse than everyone else then I ask you to share it with everyone in this thread. Otherwise there is nothing to look at besides available equipment.