Spawn Camping, worse than ever, killing the game

If you farm abyss spawn long enough, abyss might farm back or something along those lines.

Abyss farmed me hard yesterday :(

Quit after 1 death.

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Matches in this game are built on a snowball effect basis. Whoever wins the first engagement has momentum. Sometimes you can swing this back, but it’s an uphill struggle by definition, because the team with the initial advantage gets into better positions and the match becomes more and more lopsided as it progresses.

This is literally the core design of random battles.

The narrowing down of maps is making that first engagement even more crucial. Alpha strike is the meta.

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If you get spawn-camped early on its just a sign your Team neglected taking care of the flanks / certain common paths and no one bothered with it, then the Enemy is reaping the rewards of it. For someone being on an OP Spot you can throw Artillery or Bombs via CAS on it.

When the Enemy already controls the Objectives and is now pushing Spawn thats completely normal, where else are they expected to go? Wait at the Objectives?

Hürtgen Forest is prime example, you can go bottom and spawn camp within like what two Minutes into the Game but you can also easily prevent it by just having two people go bottom and taking care of it. If those two fail and get killed the Team has to pay attention, send others to deal with the Enemies there - if no one does it why blame the more skilled Enemies for taking advantage of it?

There is simply no way to make a Map which won’t have Spawn Camping on it, you would have to make some invisible bubble xy large around the Spawn but then people are just going to snipe people going out of it.

Make some hills around the spawn and you end up with even less paths the enemy has to push in order to control the whole spawn.

Maybe one more Spawnpoint would help but that doesn’t guarantee safety.

Maps in soccer stadium size with MBTS that can shoot 4 km without problems and reach the enemy spawn in 30 seconds. In 2015 we only had 3 nations and half of the players complained that they needed 10 minutes to reach the CAP with their TOP tank “Maus”. perfect excuse found, so that they don’t have to build bigger RB maps anymore (they still did that in 2014!) .
Gameplay and map design were sacrificed for premium vehicles.

same, I’ll only “spawn camp” at the last moments of the match but I’ve been using the hstv-l lately so I mainly just try to conceal myself and scout and take any shots I can at the other team but normally I get put of the receiving end of the steamrolling.

“Unfortunately most players have the situational awareness of a damp coconut”. HMMMMMM that’s a clever one I haven’t heard before.


Maybe it is time for a separate forum for modern and WW2 games.I see so many people coming about phenomenon they see at top tier that does not happen at the lower levels such as helis spawn killing in the first few seconds.

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Once a team gets the advantage there is really nothing else left to do. Thats why the spawn camping happens. There is spawn protection that helps sometimes. They could fix it by making bigger maps to combat this problem.

I have tried suggesting more quick communication choices, such that people could tell teammates about where the spawn campers are or coming from. No such suggestion saw light of day, though. I gave up.

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