So when are we gonna fix this SPAWN CAMPING meta? There are multiple ways you can fix this problem, examples are 1. They don’t get rewards from the kill (possibility of giving the rewards to the person who got killed in spawn getting half of the rewards) 2. The person who kills a person in spawn also gets destroyed but getting half of the rewards or less 3. Add anti-air and anti-tank guns for low rank and missiles for higher rank games 3. Add a timer for the people who stay in spawn (but for heavy slow tanks like maus/t95 will get a larger/longer timer)
If you’re spawn camping you are taking advantage of the poor map design and this behaviour that does not affect the gains negatively, if you’re getting spawm camped just don’t spawn, even better, leave the match.
As I do, bring one vehicle per match, I don’t waste time on a lost match neither I don’t stay in it for long to be boring, surely there are negative points but it’s best than anger over a lost match.
Or rather, make the airspace close to the spawn area no-fly-zone for the enemy team where they gets teleported in the same way as if they are flying out of the map boundary.
Had a particularly bad run of spawn camping about 18 hours ago, (last night so to speak).
Most games involved aggressive spawn camping, in all of the 9 matches T-34-57s where camping the spawns within minutes in some cases before the cap points had been captured. These were very deliberate as in each case the spawn campers had picked spots with cover, a line of site throughout the spawn and from outside the detwction radius. This is to say this was a very deliberate, effwctive and practised startegy.
Generally, I don’t get to upset about a spawn camp, but in these particular circumstances it seemed more like a deliberate subversion of the gameplay.
A consistent combo of KV-1Es and BT-7F32s backed by ITP-M1s, Yak 9’s, IL-8s and Russian P-63s. It wasn’t insurmountable by any means but it was enough to land me on 9 loss streak at 4.3 Germany. I noticed that about 75% of the team was German players with US and French sprinkled in.
I’m noticing that Rank II german players are particularly unprepared for tanks like the KV-1E, the M4A2 Sherman and T14 US Heavy. There aren’t many of them but they’re typically racking up 9-15 kills each.
It’s not really a skill issue, I think players need a bit more education on how to deal with very aggressive heavy tanks.
As a complete aside and very much an excuse. I’ve found that hitting the vulnerable spots on tanks is decidedly more difficult at 320-340ms of ping as opposed to 220-240ms ping. I don’t know that its related to ping but at the higher latency there is a noticeable delay in inputs and it has a slight ‘rubber band effect’ which is inconsistent and makes timing shots on a wiggling tank quite a challenge.
they need to tripple the invuln time/distance moved leway to give you time to respond to tanks that are comping main spawns. Just a number change and so much frustration removed.
All of these ideas are absolutely horrible and don’t solve the issue at all.
Just make spawns on all maps a somehwhat advantegous position which is impossible to camp from far away. This way only way you will be getting spawncamped is when your entire team basically dies and enemy pushes your spawn directly and at that point there is nothing else left for enemy to do anyway.
It’s only problematic when some M18 just goes around the map and shoots you trying to get out of the spawn in the middle of a balanced match. If most of your team quits and what is left from it is restricted to spawn only and can’t put up any fight what else do you expect enemies to do other than farm you on your spawn and get some free aditional rewards
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