Spawn Camping has become a mainstream attack method and needs to be addressed

Im talking about low to mid tier i do not know about high tier, i can put money on screen shots of maps in game all being the same, i stays away from conga line to much competing for a kill. Its normaly towards a cap and its the least important 1

Nothing really changes there - people still conga line their way over to one cap; except maybe faster :D

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I have actually thught about doing a few videos going over some of the major Level design issues (and good ones as well) on the different maps. But haven’t had the time to do it yet.
This discussion makes me more eager to do it though, so we’ll see if I can get some time to do it.

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I mean, go for it, it’d be interesting to see but I honestly doubt Gaijin would pay it any attention at all. We’ve been bitching about their map design for more than a decade and it seems they still haven’t listened :D

But we can hope…



This solution would end all the spawn camping problems, all other war games use it, why can’t war thunder use it?

Spoken like a true ass.


If I reached your spawn it means your team played badly and as such you are suffering the consequences of it. There is no point playing matches that are doomed because of lack of coordination and team work.

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NO, but add more premiums!

Naval EC has the solution - make caps into spawns, and other shooters have that plus the corresponding idea of making spawns into caps.

The famous shooter of the 2000s, Star Wars Battlefront (II), has all caps as spawns, and each team starts with 1-2 caps already taken to start at.

War Thunder needs spawns like that.

Something that is often not talked about is the fact that many maps are designed so badly that once you clear a flank, you need to then spawn camp to keep that flank clear of opponents so teammates can then circle around their front line. Otherwise, if you try to circle their line you get shot in the rear by people respawning, especially those who you just killed and know you’re there thanks to kill cam nonsense.

SWBF(2)-style spawns doubling as caps would actually solve spawn camping, since after clearing a flank, you could then go capture their rear spawn zone so they can’t spawn behind you any more. You would no longer need to sit there and keep it clear.

Me too. But he’s 100% right. In my experience, most teams are Lemming trains of lobotomy patients driving straight up the centre of the map. In very few games have I taken a flanking position and had any help holding it, OR had anyone take the other flank. It’s just braindead players that don’t seem either capable or interested in learning anything other than straight up the middle, die, move on. Not saying it’s everyone, but a large percentage.

Case in point, just came from a match on the “Poland” map where a guy in an M24 scouted to the other side of the lake and was sniping team mates the whole match. I couldn’t rush him as I’d spawned in a KV2 and would have gotten creamed making my way across the open ground to get to him. I couldn’t hit him because of the position he’d taken putting boulders between me and him but he eventually made the mistake of getting overconfident and sticking his head out and I killed him. But in the whole match, the entire team either had no clue he was there or completely ignored him while he picked them off. Even the guys with aircraft were too stupid to realise the threat and go after him. Needless to say, we lost.

This happens game after game after game. People put ZERO thought into what they’re doing because they’re so focussed on their own little world that they have zero care factor about the outcome of the actual match.


Rush mid is a genuine tactic though xD

Not a very good one if you do so ignoring the entire rest of the map.


Depends how many do it and how ready they are to actually fortify and hold a position.

Spawn camping is good. If you couldn’t spawn camp you basically couldn’t flank at all because there is a constant stream of reinforcements coming from the spawn; if you try to flank you just get shot in the back. So it’s better to just ambush people coming from the spawn. And it’s not as if it’s impossible to counter at all, most of the time the spawn camping happens because the team just leaves one flank wide open without even trying to protect it, so it’s their fault. Spawn camping would happen far less if people had more tactical awareness instead of just zerging to the same hotspots.

I am starting to think gaijin has implemented ai and we think we are actually playing with real teammates.


easy.if u take nuke bomber, the reward is distribuited to all team, the same team sacrificed its fun to permit a loner to kill enemies without thinking to win the game

u are the average premium players who sees all other palyers just like preys for his ego ;)

average loser? do u talk, stats’ reader? ;)

i dont see intelligence on battlefield…

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Spawn camping is good and all, but bombing spawn is such a S tier strat to get a few kills on the board.