88 matches in m247, thats basically none
You’re mad at one of the players willing to protect the skies from your horrible nemesis. Great logic, huh?
I probably have spawned the Wirbelwind as much as all your SPAA efforts combined if your main ones are 20 and 60 deaths, but sure, you’re the SPAA expert.
Pls check my gross profile cause i show my stats with spaa, i am gross to look at cause skill issue but i have played spaa a lot
I’d hope so, you have like 7 times more game time than me in tanks. I’d hope by now you’d have gotten the hang of playing SPAA instead of crying about aircraft.
That still doesn’t make you the leading expert on SPAA.
It just makes you look like a terrible SPAA player if I, a shit player, can actually make them work with 7 times less experience than you.
How are you making them work if your main one is of the more powerful SPAA in the game with proxy and radar pulling a 0.8 k/d
Ignore my very skill issue tonks
Ozelot has the annoying ass missile bug where it wont fire and often just misses like type 93
I’m taking a look, and I have more games in the M247 and Imp Chaparral but you have the LAV-AD which you do well in, around the same in the Gepard, I have less in Russia because I haven’t hit a tier that I don’t enjoy SPAA over the planes, and Sweden you actually do play an SPAA alot and do very well in shooting down aircraft. Seems like an even more positive experience than I have in SPAA for our respective main nations. If CAS was impossible to kill, you wouldn’t have positive air kills to deaths especially since most SPAA can’t defend against ground vehicles.
Tell me how many aircraft I’ve died to in my M247. You can’t because it isn’t tracked separately. Most of those deaths are from not being able to kill ground vehicles. My Imp Chaparral is 2.0+ and I can’t even shoot down half the helicopters I see because they only lock at 2km so I’ve missed out on alot of targets.
Note many of the swedish air kills are pre nerf to missile movement. For dealung with CAS now i resort to aircraft as often time i cant control the missiles past 7km to hit f16 ect outside my range. If the enemy team has pantsir im normally cooked. For japan it was pretty rough cause lock on sam is pretty shit and ive just about decided that playing an aircraft is better than spaa just for the fact that i can rearm on a base with CAS potential if i equip that. When i do CAS it point and clicked which takes no skill. Often i sit just outside their range or just on the edge where they cant control the missiles very well.
Yeah, almost like you’re playing on a tiny map with nowhere to go and you can’t just casually drive around to park in the perfect spot to engage targets.
Not at all, I play SPAA aggressively because it works better for shooting down aircraft than sitting in the spawn like a giant ass target.
Yeah… people should take their giant trucks with no offensive weaponry and missiles that cannot be fired without a target lock on the offensive.
Yep I do it with my SPAA and it works pretty well.
Maybe because your SPAA actually has an offensive weapon.
The Imp Chaparral doesn’t.
Me with Japanese gepard and swedish itpsv 90, they are better at killing ground then air especially at 8.7
Yeah… I’m sure your taking it on the offensive.
Lmao, you wanna play this “experience” game, but I have almost the same amount of games in the Gepard and I don’t even main Germany when you clearly do, the US is no contest because you’ve only used a rank 2 SPAA, and the only other nation you’ve seemed to use an SPAA in is Japan. For someone with 7 times the game time than I have, your SPAA use is a joke. Your stats in the Gepard are almost the same as mine, but I have more kills and deaths with less games. You have more experience in rank 4 and below SPAA, and I have more experience in rank 5+. I had to comb through pages and pages of vehicles to spot one, but you do have a missile SPAA, and you do dogshit in it. 7 times the gameplay time and does worse in SPAA than someone he wants to have an “experience” quarrel over. Nice…