SPAA J'ing out before you can kill them

Tons of toxic CAS-haters spawning CAP and only getting 2 kills entire game and never helping to cap or defend points would be horrible.

Or just spawn a plane and bomb them.

The problem isn’t loitering around. The problem is som1 spawning an SPAA and being able to shoot down a plane opposite side of the map in seconds without the plane seeing them or any sort of counterplay. The only maps that don’t provide cover (e.g Sands of Sinai, Japan, or Ardennes) are subject to even harsher tank spawncamping than plane spawncamping, and that’s an issue of map design, not CAS.

if one team spawns too much CAP, they lose because what you mentionned : not enough tanks. If the same teams spawns just one or 2, they can keep CAS at bay while not making huge holes in their team’s tank line up.

The same thing can already be said about people spawning too many helicopters in the current state. Literally had game won in the first few minutes because they decided to spawn 4 KA-50 and died for it because one AA was up in our team.

Overall, not really a CAP related issue


atleast the Ka-50s are restrained to a br where everyone knows their teammates will be premium trash. The CAP spam would plague almost all BRs, and would probably be abused to strafe light tanks trying to capture points early match. This would be especially bad for nations like Italy or USA who don’t get cannons at low BRs unlike Germany, Russia, or Sweden.

The biggest problem, however, would be it resulting in GRB becoming ARB as people prefer dogfights in GRB since you don’t have to spend 5 minutes climbing, plus no markers, and smaller map. There would be massives portions of teams just spawning planes for quick easy dogfights. I wouldn’t be suprised if ARB queue times go longer aswell.

All these problems, plus the work Gajin would have to do to make sure planes like Hs 129 aren’t counted as CAP, and there being little to no money to make in the whole things means this idea will never become of anything.

TL:DR It will get spammed and abused to the point it ruins GRB completely.

If it were for me, i’d have a mode with GRB tanks only, and an other mode on large maps, where you can play basically every class without SP restrictions (tanks, AAs, CAS, CAP, ships, Submarines, whatever)

That being said, balancing such a thing would be borderline impossible, so i agree gaijin probably won’t end up doing that.

Instead, they already stated they were working on more SPAAs for every nation. I have to say i have no clue what those are going to be, since longer ranged AAs are mostly multiple vehicles. Who knows, they might plan on introducing that.

In the meantime, giving a reward for intercepting ATGMs and making resupply easier would be quite easy to implement. The first solution already exists for scout drones while the second solution is already in the works.

I doubt ground only will come about either. Gajin makes loads of money from CAS premiums. The roadmap does include a feature for SPAA and ATGM vehicles to build resuplies which I am very excited for. Zachlam and Italian M42 will (hopefully) benefit greatly from this.
Screenshot from 2024-07-05 16-03-08

If you are getting your jet blown up by a gun based SPAA at more than 3km thats a you problem, you are either flying slow and doing little maneuvers or you were flying straight to where the spawns are instead of attacking from the sides of the map or the top. At range you have more than enought time to see the tracers and evade them, if i can bait SPAAs to run out of ammo so can you.

If you are shot down by a mampad: sorry not sorry, most of them can only fight planes and have a hard time locking helis. They are good at just one thing and i prefer if they stay that way.


That’s what SPAA have the best way to anti any plane if diving to them, and that’s most of SPAA players don’t know they can use the mechanisms to against the CAS, they just stay at base and shot the balloon

This is a far bigger issue in the WW2 range where tanks like sdkfz thing (the tripple 15mm cannon halftrack) can shoot you from across the battlefield, and no amount of HVARs can help you.

Also I hug the ground in my AV-8C to avoid getting missiled. There’s times where an SPAA will spawn and shoot me down in literally seconds since the Harriers turning was too poor to avoid flying over enemy spawn. Either way, there’s no reason for SPAA to rely on spawn prot.

They can.

You just need to learn how to aim with them


The 15mm shells lose velocity very fast, if you’re getting killed by those from across the map you need to open your eyes and stop flying at walking speeds


Or you just fly above it which is a classic weakness of that spaag. Surprised at how many people ignore that fact though


Shhhh don’t tell them it only has 50deg elevation, they keep flying close to mine and getting destroyed


They also start off very fast. Also sorry for not going 400 mph in my Dauntless, shoulda just went faster.

I just drive up onto a rock when using it if any1 tries to abuse its elevation.

Its only fair that they do it. shooting down KH 29 and mavericks is not giving any points, you cant reload in spawn, cas gets almost instant reload on airfields. Start on the runway. Imdiatly ready to take off. They just spam outranging atgm´s. Play in 3rd person, have giant X infront of them to hit targets and they talk about “sK11L”.

If cas thinks they get a free kill to feel good they are wrong. Deny the enemy kills, deny them SL, deny them RP. Just J out. What else is there to do? Be a SL/RP piniata?

Not ony that you cant go in passive mode with IRST. They still get a warning! Because its so unfair! So, you cant hide, you cant even at least get your SL back. For every ordenace wasted on incoming atgm´s and you cant, depnding on the model of SAM or SPAAG, have a reload. Ammo is limited. So more time to get shoot by CAS. You just sit there in the open. If it where just one airplane or two each match. But no! Its 5 or 4 or even more and its over. There is no way you can deal with that many ATGM spams. Not shooting incoming ordenace down, not shooting airplanes down. As games go, nobody ever spawns in SPAAG´s or SAM´s first. Only after they get killed and want to revange. But then its to late.

I am not against CAS but the sheer imbalance of playstyle is stagering. It all plays in CAS favor, rotary or fixd wing. SPAAG and SAM cant play to there stregths or have any strengths at all. CAS knows where you are, not that there much space to manouver at all!!! CAS decieds when to strike and how. Not to mention the highter you get the less you can do to combat ground forces and your stuck in the spawn area loocking at a green screen looking at dots. Anti Air is not played by any one because its not fun, its not rewarding. It gets worse with even smaler and smaller maps. You got no chocie but to stay in the SPAWN area. The higher you get the smaler the maps. And the most funny thing is, the guided atgm users are the dumb ones, they have not figuerd out how to negate any and all anti air without even giving them a chance to respond.


You are the one attacking vechicles that had just spawned


So You limit Your elevation from the other side?



hitting with HVARs at the range you would need to is basically luck unless you intend to volley fire a bunch

Yet they’re not “very fast” by the time they actually reach you, so again… open your eyes and do more than flying in a straight line.