SPAA J'ing out before you can kill them

I have to start to do this more frequently .

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Yeah, sorry. I have absolutely 0 sympathy for CAS players in this regard. If you want to play a vehicle that is almost exclusively used for revenge kills, and frequently bombs people who just left their spawn, then yeah, I think you deserve to have your fun ruined every now and then too.

If your fun-ruining is perfectly balanced and an intended game mechanic, then so is taking advantage of spawn protection to ruin your fun in return. Get over it.


Tanks spawncamping is an unrelated issue, because it actually is an issue.

Letting CAP first spawn would be horrible bruh.

Tbh they should just make CAP a proper role ingame instead of just “Cas sp for half the rewards”

Yes, but sadly that would require a rework of how Realistic battles work as a whole. How it is now, you would have to deal with toxic CAS-hates who waste slots on their team by first spawning CAP every games and only getting 2 kills whole game.

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I would prefer more people spawning anti air or air counters at the start of the game then the current style, though first spawn CAP seems a bit iffy (gun CAS off of a “CAP” A-10 or MiG-27)

So they do much more on average than You


If we had RB EC then maybe they could be useful.

Lol, sure bro, whatever you say. Insults dont address the point, and its hard to take someone seriously when theyre trying to make their already strong advantage even stronger.

Get good bro.

By the way, Jing out and using spawn prots to shoot you out of the sky IS counterplay. You are arguing for removing a counterplay option to a class that already has very little counterplay. Irony at its absolute thickest.


A map design issue the same way helis or CAS exploit those issues to spawn camp aswell. Where is the concrete bunker on top of the spawns preventing you from bombing it? Tanks cant kill spawn protected vehicles and are subject to be killed attempting to spawn camp, the same way planes can get shot down by protected SPAA if you try to get close to the enemy spawn or loiter around the battlefield too long looking for easy targets.

Just spawn a tank and shoot them.


care to elaborate why ?

the answer is a bit light ngl

Honestly? Too bad. Cas is more of a problem than anti CAS.

I also sympathize with people who crash in air rb to not give the op premiums with undodgeable missiles a kill.


CAP still has cannons that can be used against tanks. Any open-top or lightly armoured tank would be killed easily.


depends what BR we are talking about

Props should stay as they are currently. At top tier, CAP could see its SP cost go down. Gun runs rarely ever happen at those BRs

overall, tankers would the one profiting from such a change.
Having the risk of being gun runned is nothing in comparison to the protection offered by ARHs and SARHs equipped aircraft

Helicopters can already be spawned first with rockets anyway

True. Plus, some IFVs have AA capability, which could allow them to take down aircraft.

First spawn helis are a bit different, because they are much more vulnerable to tanks and IFVs compared to planes.


those don’t bother me that much tbh

A addition would be AI AAA but for a limited time.
For the first few minuets fo teh match power full AAA AI is on the map and active.

Player stillc an choose to take off and shoot it fist to cleare the way or wait untill its gone.

This way CAS can do what its wants and tankers can move out without being instantly rekt in the spawn.

put the same spaa as heli pve convoys in and watch the tears

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