SPAA at 9.3-10.3 is hilariously OP and i see no one talking about it

point is invalid as it’s completely unrelated to what I said.

If you’re getting attacked by multiple vehicles at once, you’re gonna die. Why should 1 SPAA fightinig multiple planes be stacked in the SPAA’s favor?

Not my fault if they don’t care to learn.

The problem clearly is you. Even with cheap earbuds, hearing where planes are coming from has never been a problem.

it also prevent the plane from seeing you.

Again, that’s a problem with noob SPAA mains.

Thunderskill: The most reliable way to lose an argument

congrats, you played over a dozen matches and cherry picked the one with tons of CAS.

… CAS needs buffs at no BRs…


No, he’s thinking more about these:

Because unlike when you’re up against ground vehicles, there’s no positioning on the planet that can prevent you being attacked by multiple vehicles at once.

Besides, many ground vehicles are entirely able to survive fire from multiple enemies at once, so long as they position appropriately and don’t allow themselves to be flanked. How do SPAA pull that off against CAS, I wonder?

As exemplified by your stirling results in the M16, M163 and Sgt York? You tout yourself as an SPAA expert, but in every SPAA incapable of tank hunting, where you cannot use that to explain away the low KD against air, you still have a low KD against air.

Generally, the plane has already seen the SPAA’s position, either by it baiting the SPAA to shoot at it early, or it shooting at something else. Or having a squadmate ping the location. I have a buddy who does these sorts of strikes in a SAAB-105 at 10.7 using this tactic. It’s very consistent, especially with rockets to further reduce the target’s reaction time.

While Thunderskill is not an all inclusive dataset, and it does have biases, those biases are completely irrelevant it regards to your contention, that there aren’t enough CAS planes to shoot down at 9.0 for it to be useful.

No amount of bias in the Thunderskill population is going to magically spawn planes that don’t otherwise exist just for them to shoot down.

I’m going to keep asking the question you’re dodging until you answer it. How do Thunderskill players manage to generate planes to shoot down that you assert aren’t real?

I literally played one match at 8.7, got an uptier to 9.0, played it, and stopped playing at that tier. The rest of my games that day were at 6.7 or 4.3.

But congrats on almost understanding my point that personal anecdotes are next to useless when it comes to establishing trends.

I can easily destroy this anti-aircraft gun on piston planes. It does not pose a threat at a distance of more than 1 km. You will also write how Vulcan humiliates you.

IR SAMs are pretty busted as are early radar SPAA (heck the 163 is now 7.3 and fights props)
People always say the Strela is OP and should be 11.0 but no one ever seems to talk about the many 9.3s…
That being said SPAA players always seem to be blind and deaf. I dunno if theyre AFK or just scoped in permanently, but few ever seem to be paying attention and instead get clapped by aircraft they had a massive advantage over.

Oooh wait on a related note check out this topic :)

That’s simply skill issue.

I’ve done it many times. just keep track of who’s about to attempt to strafe you.

Then don’t shoot at targets outside your range.

Most people don’t have squadmates, and pinging targets with a competent squadmate is powerful regardless of if you’re in a plane or tank.

Again, K/D means nothing when you’re average less than 2 air kills a game

I’ve done it aswell. a single well place M61 from a PBJ-5H and even things like Gepard will go down.

Which is why SPAA mains who don’t suck, will wait for targets to enter their effective range.

I’ve never really had a issue fighting early SAMs outside of snow maps. For most planes, just flip on “periodic counter meassures” when exposing yourself and you’ll be invuln.

had an issue fighting early sams

I’ve had issues with the harriers, but thats an issue with the planes not the missiles, although its really annoying that manpads will incositntly track through clouds

You keep making this claim, and I’m still not entirely sure what you mean by it.

The best I can guess is that you’re saying that because the KD is below 2, that means it doesn’t disprove your claim that there are two or less CAS aircraft in these games.

Which would only hold true if each game had a single M247 player (Who doesn’t use backups), with no other allied SPAAs or aircraft who get any air kills in that game, and no CAS spawns on the M247’s team to be killed by enemy SPAA or aircraft.

It seems entirely reasonable to assume that if a single SPAA player on a team manages 1.34 KD, then the average number of CAS vehicles is a good deal higher than 2.

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I typically just hug the ground to avoid SPAA and request that teammates mark som1 to die so that the few moments I pop out of cover, I’ll already have an idea on where an enemy is. It’s not super common for teammates to actually mark som1 tho.

It means that having 500/1 KD by killing 1 guy then hiding the rest of the game doesn’t mean that your vehicle is good.

It is always people who don’t have good K/D to say such things. I wonder why You can’t do that even on one vehicle.


You say IR slingers and early radar SPAAs are pretty busted but failed to get above 1 K/D in all of them. That’s quite interesting to say the least.

Strela is considered OP by many purely because it’s under USSR tree.


Strela is known to be OP because you can’t flare or chaff it, there’s no warning when ones fired, and the few things that are supposed to be hard counters (terrain, clouds, the sun) don’t do anything bc Gajin refuses to nerf broken Russian vehicles.


if only all AAs were the same…



the exact same are all true for Stingers…

Stingers can be flared, and hard counters (clouds and the sun) actually work against em, aswell as jamming devices.

Although i haven’t used stingers for that long I can confirm that the hard counters do work, however, they are still quite hard to dodge, usually it’s because the CAS gets too close tho and zooms over the SAM and allows for an easy rear aspect, short range lock.

“I don’t care about kdr, I just play for fun bro hehe”

“kdr and winning rate doesn’t mean anything at all in this game hehe”

“Sometimes my gf and her stepbrother come over to my house and play, and they are not good at the game hehe”

“A lot of cheaters in this game, you see they just banned 40000 players, it is because of them, my kdr is bad hehe”

“I’m a team player bro I help repair and do objectives, I don’t care if I die bro, the stat also oso didn’t show kill assist, you bet I’m a pro kill-assist hehe”

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Yea, always best to fire at a rear aspect than an all aspect frontal attack. The only time I fire from the front is when they tunnel vision focusing on the tank they want to bomb and never see a missile coming before some drop their payload.

I hate it when players spam their Stinger missiles knowing very well they are still 6km out searching for targets. While they search, they can spot stingers smoke trail easier to easily dodge them with a simple role. honestly prefer the mistral stingers since the smoke disappears faster and wont leave a long smoke trail than the FIM stingers. idc about the speed either, just easier to down CAS head on with it, they never see it coming.

Just watch them how they play and you will notice it. Even youtubers out there showcasing SAM firing early, don’t use terrain etc…its bugs me so much that players won’t learn. 🤦headache just watching them.

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