Southeast Asian (ASEAN) Machinery Of War Discussion Thread

In light of recent discussions, I thought I’d put together a proposal for an “ASEAN” air tree-subtree for Japan. This is my current rendition ( others have made similar through discussions in the JP / ASEAN discord ).

The Techtree:

Decided to add Vietnam in addition to the founding ASEAN members due to their current geopolitical alignment compared to the other more “REDFOR” ASEAN members.

Current Nations Split is:

  • Thailand: 7x TT, 2x Premium, 1x Squadron, 1x Event
  • Indonesia: 7x TT, 3x Premium
  • Malaysia: 7x TT, 1x Premium
  • Singapore: 4x TT
  • The Philippines: 2x TT
  • Vietnam: 3x TT

Feel free to make additional suggestions, I left plenty out to make the tree more neat/organized but I’d happily add more if its interesting. This or something similar will probably be formalized into a suggestion by myself or someone else relatively soon.


This would suck soooo much


Indeed. Singaporean’s have already made it clear that they would not want such a thing under any circumstances. Besides, Singapore has almost exclusively western equipment, it makes no sense as there are other nations (close to China) that are much better suited (Pakistan, Bangladesh, North Korea…).
Even Israel makes more sense for Singapore.


man kinda sucks that SG went to CN, but it would be a riot though if ASEAN went to CN. like they pretty much have little military relation there.


oh dear…

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Its so joever guys


This is suboptimal

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If it’s to be believed, It’s not gonna end well.


tldr it will not and that is not the political side




Oh dear… Well, this is totally going to go over well for Gaijin, totally

Now, to begin drafting up a rant on why this would be the single worst idea (what I want to really say would probably break a few rules) Gaijin has ever had




Why USA want ROKAF, ROKA & ROKN sub tree ?

Iran sub tree for USSR/RU ?

Skip F/A-18A (USN) in 80’s ? Why ? Or gaijin could add F/A-18C or F/A-18D Early for USA tech tree instead F/A-18A ?

And pakistan & bangladesh sub tree for china ?

Poland + Czechoslovak & Yugoslavia sub tree ? really ?

Absolutely stupid decisions so far if they go with this. A spit in the face to players from those nations and players of Japan who hoped for better line ups and CAS… Thailand will be fun and great but there was no need for ASEAN to China…id go as far as they didnt even need a sub tree China has a bunch of domestic vehicles to choose from.


Results may vary, and it’s too early to tell at this point if the leak is accurate.
There is always hope somewhere.

I agree, but then I would say why go with this and not an actual allied country such as pakistan or north korea?

And go with the mist controversial decision

Tbh I could see wt getting blocked by goverment of those countries if players make big enaugh shit storm about it

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I hope Gaijin change their plans…

ASEAN to China seems like a horribly political statement that goes way against their personal policy of not including politics.
I was expecting ASEAN nations to be split into western/eastern majority equipped nations when the first rumors of Chinese subtrees came up, but including Singapore in China especially has absolutely no justification that isn’t political. Even Russia would be more reasonable than China, since they operate Igla at least.

This seems like they chose specifically Nato aligned nations for a Japanese subtree, and then just switched them over. If this was intended for China originally they would’ve taken more reasonable options like Myanmar or Laos.

I wonder what caused this switch…


Politics and race are both out, stop it.
Don’t forget to exercise self-control…


This is Machinery of War section on War Thunder forum.
If you want to discuss politics, nationality, race, religion or other things not considered as related to War Thunder, please leave this forum and find a place, where you can do it.
On our forum discussing such topics is prohibitted. This a a place to discuss our game and war machines.


What matters in War Thunder is military vehicles, and the only eastern equipment Singapore operates is Igla, a Russian missile. Most equipment of Singapore is either locally developed or bought from the US. I don’t think those vehicles fit one of the two non NATO powers currently in game.

Instead I believe China should receive nations that are more fitting, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar or Laos.