With Thailand being added i have doubt Japan will get ASEAN unless they do something similar to the U.K where they got SA first but kater on started getting things like indian vehicles
Well, guys. Will the Chinese faction likely get what 12.0 top vehicles here to strengthen the Chinese ground? It’s like Italy getting an A7HU to get a strong guy. This is just an inquiry, please don’t say anything like “crazy Chinese eager to get Singapore and even the whole of ASEAN”, thank you :)
If Japan were to acquire the whole of ASEAN, it would undoubtedly be stronger than any one faction, even stronger than Russia or the United States, but I don’t think that’s possible.
I never said whole ASEAN just the ones that make sense obviously
And even then it might just be a few additions like a Malaysia F-18 or something down the road similar to the U.K getting one off Indian stuff.
That’s probably my misunderstanding. To be honest, isn’t it those “star equipment” that everyone wants to see?
Well china could get Taiwanese abrams to strengthen their 12.0 lineup (or north Korea but idk if their newest tank is 12.0 worthy)
That’s great, but given the attitude of American players towards M1 right now, all I can say is … Uh, not that good?
Yeah but it has a good reason right? Like they already know china at some point is gonna get the abrams because Taiwan already bought them. Unlike singapore leopard, Taiwan abrams has a good reason to be in the Chinese tech tree
And i mean do you really expect American mains to be really angry at something that will eventually come?
The first batch of M1 tanks has arrived, at least that’s what the Taiwanese media say.
I don’t know, but too many American players have shown themselves quite angry with me. When I asked for a fix on the MLU, they thought “you should be content, it’s not your thing”, and I’m already tired of this bickering.
Now I wonder what the Chinese side would think about a combined Korean subtree? While Singapore is then free for ASEAN Founders subtree
Instead of SG F-16 it would be KF-16, FA-50 and KF-21, instead of F-15SG it is F-15K and instead of the Leopard 2SG it would be K1s and K2s.
There’s understandable anger vs stupid anger and that stupid anger that can be ignored
Stop saying “Singapore should go to China TT” statement. If your reason is because most of the citizens a Chinese then your request is stupid. If your reason is “L2SG will save China TT top tier” then I think I need to tell you, L2SG only have DM33 so it still not gonna save top tier.
The MLU is in a very sad state.
When it was reported that it was missing 30 countermeasures, they decided to remove 30 more. Now it is missing 60, and still doesn’t have access to histirical air to air missiles
If it were NK, we thought it would be interesting, you know, tanks with anti-aircraft missiles sound interesting, but on the other hand we think that NK’s tanks will not be enough to support China in the fight in 12.0. As for SK, I myself have reservations about this (not for and against it), my compatriots expect that there will be opponents, but there should not be many, and most of them probably just want to get a good enough 12.0 tank (and experience various Western equipment on top of that). But I don’t think Korean players will agree with that.
1.L2SG has DM63A1
2. The main reason why I want Singapore to join China is that it is strong enough. For me, it’s the same whether it’s L2SG or L2RI.
But Singaporeans like myself won’t appreciate that (you can just look at the singapore leopard 2a4 leak went it happen and a lot of people were tweaking)
That is true, but they are still interesting and will help the teee below top tier. Gaijin also made the mistake of adding many copied vehicles to China, so Korean options can help make the tree more unique and appealing to new players.
I think in this specific case it makes a lot of sense. Just like Korea has the divide between North and South, China has the divide between PRC and ROC, so in this case the parallels make for a good argument for it.
Since Gaijin seems to be against a united Korean tree, this could be their chance to still get a united tree in function, while providing China the capabilities they need.
I am surprised how positve Korean reactions seem to be, though I only asked a few so far.
I will wait until I have more opinions, and then decide if I want to suggest the subtree.