South Korea subtree for the USA would be a mistake

Obviously, but Japan takes the cake when it comes to a lack of acceptance and acknowledgement of the war crimes and atrocities committed in China and Korea alike. Unlike Germany, for example.


Meanwhile India in UK or Taiwan in China XD.
Nobody care… it’s just game.

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And what you think about India in UK, it’s also joke?

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Do you mean Republic of China in a TT contain 2 regime which all say they’re China?
Or, do you agree DDR vehicles shouldn’t in Germany TT?
You don’t care != Nobody care.

Just for a example, imagine we’re talking in 2020 which Israel TT haven’t introduced yet.

Exactly yes. It’s not hard to find controversy about Japan war apology on Wikipedia.

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Naaah… not everybody doesn’t care about those historical and political problems…
Well, You can see some guys care about that even on this topic.

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Japan can receive more various Thai military vehicles(+ Thai grond force)
Now, it seems like something is lacking because the lazy gaijin only does C&P.

China TT has a mountain of domestically produced equipment that has not yet been released.
Also they can take Pakistani subtree
And In fact, Taiwan is already serving as China’s subtree.

It would be enough for Israel to receive subtrees from Chile, Greece, etc.

If SK becomes one TT with NK, the volume could be similar to that of Swedish TT.
Of course the air TT will be full of C&Ps, but honestly it’s hard to add more independent country TTs now that operate unique aircraft.
SK has at least a few domestically produced fighter jets.

India was formerly a British colony, but is now an independent country and is still part of the Commonwealth.
China and Taiwan became one TT because they are “same people”
What about Korea and Japan?
They are belong to one commonwealth? No (both countries are allies of the United States, but they feel like friend of friend)
They are same people? no
Even without bringing up the historical issues between Korea and Japan, you can see that they do not fit together.
If you take the example of China and Taiwan, SK should form a TT with NK

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Commonwealth is not a military alliance and never was - just needs to be pointed out. It’s not like NATO.

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There is no place for a sub tree in Germany, Russia or USA. Every gap, if exists, can be filled with domestic vehicles.

The logical discussion must be about if the Korean Tree should be the next step or not.


I guess this topic will be hidden in 24 hours xD
And Gaijin should care about those problems…even just for get money

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Weird to include China there.


United Korea TT has around 30 more vehicles and would rival China more, however Sweden with the addition of the Nordic countries might makes this even.

I wouldn’t say it’s full CnP as you got many extensive modified aircraft, as long as they differ from their original design performance wise i would consider it an unique modification. However it truly depends on how people view it.


There is no where to add South Korea except USA.
USA is not “too complete” there’s plenty of room for South Korean vehicles.

Japan doesn’t need South Korea either. Japan has Thailand, and soon Indonesia and likely Singapore.

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btw we still don’t know they gonna add or not
especially US tree is already very big on its own
it is possible it can have own tree along with north Korea

South Korean Subtree in a possible North Korean Tech Tree.
Would make a banger Tree and would be welcome in the once united, now split (and some reunited again) country club of Tech Trees

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both nations dont have enough unique vehicles to justify their own trees and HOT take i dont even think Israel should have been its own nation in game, since they could have just added a Merkava line to the US instead of having a nations with only 1 mbt with no future in tanks and nothing but copy past US jets.

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This isn’t copy paste, and it’s very graciously wanted.


Have you checked out the suggestion? There is more then enough unique vehicles and even if some are modified they still differ in performance changing the playsstyle compared to the original vehicle.

Placing them in the US would be a waste as you will only will have 10-15 vehicles from them and the US has many of its own domestic vehicles to add.


I mean that’s not a Britain thing that’s just a War Thunder thing. The Ju-86 is Sweden exclusive, the P-51K is China exclusive, the A-20A is Britain exclusive, as is the A-28/29, TBM-1, D.521, MiG-21-93 and upgraded Tornadoes.

Most likely a lot of completely unacceptable antisemitism, that entire sentence is poorly realised and would of caused a massive backlash from us Israel fans and Jewish players of the game.