Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I’m just excited for everything, like I’m not really bothered about where what goes as I’ve got every nation rank 6 ground fully researched and going onto rank 7 so I’m just happy to have something new to look at and appreciate

Is there already a dev stream reminder on YouTube?

yesterday mike said no dev stream this week , is that true ?



Not always
I believe that Mike either tends to troll people like that (he can be a bit of a funny guy like that), or he just genuinely doesn’t get told when stuff is until the day it’s meant to happen.

Or it’s just part of Gaijin rules or something


I’m surprized that Csaba is coming, I considered it too weak honestly because of Solothurn, though if it gets apcr it will be good I guess.

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Someone said that we don’t know what types of ammo the Lynx KF41 will use. Well, it has the same cannon as the PUMA, so I presume that it will use the same ammo.

Armour piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot with Tracer (APFSDS-T)

Airburst Ammunition (KETF)

High Explosive Ammunition (HEI-T)

Semi Armour Piercing Ammunition (SAPPIE-T®)

If that new MiG29 gets the 73s, shouldn’t the one we have ingame get them as well since we literally had them on it earlier?

I love these armored cars of all nations. Even if they are only armed with machine-guns they look awesome or wacky and are alot of fun to play.

I noticed that there is an airliner in front of the Mig-29SMT…Civilian tech tree?


No don’t do it Russia XD

(just joking of course)

They aren’t adding the Su-15 this update so adding an airliner would be pointless


Oh no PAN AM TT confirmed?

Looks like a DC-4 to me

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Now I just wish that Gaijin did not give GB/GER/USSR a top BR tech tree capital ship for year and a month. Why USA got USS Texas while its just half a year they’ve got USS Nevada while those three countries have to wait for a year?

Don’t count Renown. It’s a event vechile and accessibility will be getting worse in the future. Neither I want Gneisenau or Bismarck. At least just Baden or some Kaisermarine Grobekreuzer would be fine. Just… just give one for these countries.

AC-47 confirmed???

NVM you said dc-4 not dc-3 sorry!

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Does the LeopardPSO have thicker hull armor than the Leo2A5?

What if the average player dumps their AIM-120A, the enemy defeats it kinematically and then goes for you with a R-27ER or you are being engaged by someone esle after you go cold after dumping a AIM-120?
There also is the R-27P/EP. I think the R-27 family could be enough to counter AIM-120A. Certainly in war Thunder.

When does the RU dev stream normally pop up?

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