Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

It can but never mounted it IRL

Gaijin have proven with the T-90S that they don’t care about weak or messy additions,

The options available to Britain for the Gripen are

The D variant used by British pilots (2 seats, removed internal gun and some fuel)
All those coping saying that they don’t fly it armed can cry because the 141 was never armed, it can be armed which fits the criteria.

Or the SAAF C variant

Which is the more favourable of the 2 because it retains the internal cannon

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As we have already said. AMRAAMs are not coming for the F-16C right now. Neither is AIM-9M currently planned.


damn, it because of one mechanic that the AIM9M that is missing in it’s files an code ?

Is dev stream planned for today?

Will MLU get a targeting pod?

But the MiG-29 is getting the R-73, at least it was shown with it in the trailer?

T-Pod like PDLCT or Sapsan-e planned for MiG-29SMT ?

Why does it need a targeting pod?
does it have any ordnance that needs a pod?

Aim-9M should come, but it was superior the R-73 as it was the US Response to the R-73 which came first.
Maybe when R-73M comes, lol

You’re thinking of the AIM-9X

Oh yeah, that’s my bad lol

US Players when their 5th 12.0 fighter doesn’t get AMRAAMS - 😭😭😭

Are current US top tier platforms struggling enough to need them?

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The AMRAAM would be overkill but it’s weird that the AIM-9M isn’t coming considering the R-73

Because the AIM 9M is missing one mechanic that is not relevant in it files.

Which is?

Except for the fact Mig-29SMT with R-73s is likely 12.3.
Time will tell.

We will see. The r-73 with it’s current IRCCM is not a big deal. Aim-9M should have a better one, that’s why we will not probably see it in this patch.

Why should Italy get a Leopard 2A7 before Germany?

IRL the AIM9M was pretty bad, but in game there is a mechanic missing.

see on the bottom of the chart