Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

randomly starts and participate in arguements

tells other people to not comment about on topic things

immediately proceeds to go off-topic

thank you for your contribution, sir


I’d say after the 2K, but they folded the 2A5 and 2A6… So idk.
Maybe soon we will see something else there and we won’t have to wait 3 years again.


I think its just ground, like the SA tree in britain

@Smin1080p still waiting on a fair aircraft for Sweden, you know like the JAS-39 that where supposedly getting this year, but hey why not add 2 more op jets to the TT that dont need them, cause thats fair for the rest of air trees. Balance is all gayjin thinks about.
Hell a fair aircraft for UK


Britain concurs with this statement

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Not low tier Soviet C&P, but more pre top brs and maybe few 6.x+, but even then Gaijin can add only unique Hungarian modifications of Soviet tech like T-72 Currus and domestically modernized T-55 (though we know Gaijin XD). Some people get triggered by the presence of Soviet tech in the tree, but for me it’s way better to have few vehicles with an actual armor than only light vehicles + advantages Hungary gives are obvious. Maybe we will also get few German 5.x C&P, I mean Panther and Tiger, these would make Italy much easier to grind + both are kinda missed opportunity for Italy itself irl (like there were plans to produce Panthers in Italy and Italian crews were training using Tiger I), they should help the tree a lot (+ arguable but we can actually get rid of some leased postwar Shermans and etc in the regular tree now).
2A7 isn’t that far, I think it can come at least in December (for HU variant I don’t think that they will hold it for long as well, because for many it would be one of the main reasons to grind this line). As for Kf41, it will most likely go to Hungary only for now, but Germans will probably get Spikes for Puma (though I’m not sure if it can get MR or have to wait for LR implementation).

wont happen cause its not US or USSR cause everyone only plays those nations.
Every other nations not real to gaijin,

Sweden has some hope (Gripen is at least heavily rumoured and likely, if not this update, defo next) , they seem to be the flavour of the month at the moment… Britain however…

In ground at least they are the flavour of the month. Yeah, air is a bit. screwed, nothing new for a long time, though the viggen can at least turn fight

Hungarian aircraft line can’t really exist by its own imo or it will be almost full of C&P. I think they won’t add that line until Romania arrives (yes, I’m still sure Romania will join the Italian TT as well in the future).

I read this suggestion from old forum

I wonder F-16CG Block 40 & F-16C Block 50 from USAF integrated Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) ?



Yeah… Welll, here’s hoping Gripen for you this update and… something… anything, for Britain this update too. Though I think BVRAAM will come Nov/Dec major update now. So Gripen and whatever britain could get is likely going to be then instead.

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prolly cause they cant face the fact Sweden and Britain suffer in air cause they haven’t added anything worth a damn to them

Yeah, Well… viggen was scary, i hated fighting that thing the FGR2… But… I suppose we’ve had 2 decent A2A jets (harrier Gr7 and Sea Harrier FRS1), 1 Decent CAS (Tornado Gr1) and 1 DOA jet (Tornado F3) since then. You’ve had nothing new since then. Which does suck. Though neither of us have anything that even scratches the F-16, F-14 or Mig-29. Even the Mirage is pretty decent, though limited AAMs


If I have to risk it, I would say that in this patch we will also see the Leopard 2A7.

Both for Germany and for Hungary. L2PSO would go after the L2K and 2A7 on the center line, behind the 2A5/A6 crease. Germany doesn’t get Lynx but PUMA gets spike (currently at 10 it’s ridiculous).

I’ma say after the leopard 2K which is now being moved over and sits after the T-72 for Germany. I say this since the leopard 2A5 and A6 are foldered and it would be weird to put the tank in between or after them


But I really hope we get more than 1 new jet this year. Sweden is still new and does have some limits on what stuff it could get, at least until you prehaps start seeing modern stuff from Denmark, Norway or Finland. Like the F-18s, etc. But Britian has so many options to choose from… and is an OLD nation in WT. Really drives me nuts. But anyway. heres hoping to not being screwed by gaijin… again

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For Germany maybe, but for Hungary I doubt, it is better to add them separately imo, because German 2A7 will overshadow the addition of Hungarian variant, just because of the popularity of the German TT. If they add only HU then German mains will blow out, there are already individuals crying and this will be way worse, Gaijin won’t do it obviously.
So the most profit way to add 2A7HU imo is separately in the update in which 3 big don’t get top tier MBTs.

So we have again better vehicle in other tree, than in Germany. Sweden and Hungary now better in Germany vehicles than Germany.