Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

It doesn’t. I think its going to be a meme tank. totally niche and not actually much value for Britain as a whole.


Oh lord someone spreading misinfo again.
Kikka, XP-50, VB10, Yak-141 all existed.
& the prototype F-16AJ is existed: - The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference

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Massive waste of developer resources, imo

Do I need to say the word that got the word Skin in it.

Yeah, but for this update I don’t expect anything top tier. I would be happy with the Gnat but I don’t even know if britain used the armed version so it’s not a guarantee that it will be on the British tree…

Yep, agreed. Which is why everyone was so against it when it was announced before the last major update and again this update

Not really. They can copy the asset and adjust it to make a T-90S for the Russia tree and just folder it with the existing T-90A

when KF41 for germany?

I’ve heard it could be a good finnish addition. But yeah, if its britain, its a small bone that serves no real purpose

It’s a cool jet. Hopefully paves the way for the Hawks.

When Von finds a skinwa***r : D

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I’d agree with that, except it was postponed from La royale update, because it wasnt ready yet. So they have, if nothing else, been working on it for 2 major updates

I’d rather have just skipped to the hawks to be honest.


The rest of of the time was spent preparing the next 79.99$ premiums

BUT I WANT IT NOW “breaks half of the room”

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anyways after doing the cringe did i miss something for the last 4 hours?

Peter Griffin But I Want It Now GIF - Peter Griffin But I ...


Nope, nothing new.

There is no T-90 in-game the new S is tho.
Also there’s no rank 9, especially not for another 2 years on average for the minimum

ah well hell if the sub tech tree does come for italy i hope germany gets another KF41 or the same idk