Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)


So does this mean the weather can change in a match now ?

So like it can start off as sunny to turn into rain ?

I mean I hope so too but with the AIM-7M I just don’t see it being likely, the Barak II is meant to be a strike jet, at least for now it makes sense that it’s a little worse A2A

Doesn’t look like it


Shame as that would really make dogfights more interesting though


  • T 2

Am I having a mental blank here, what’s a T 2?

Swedish designation for He 115 A


Ah, thanks.

Q: Do you plan to include Hungarian aviation in the future for the Italian tree as was also done with Finland for the Swedish tech tree? It could offer some interesting opportunities such as the Me 210C, L-39, MiG-29 and Gripen, as well as Mi-24 and Mi-8.

A: Yes, we do. With this major update, 3 Hungarian helicopters — the Mi-24D, Mi-24V and premium Mi-24P have been added.

But helis aren’t planes XD

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Cool, x5 multiplier for unlocking skins in Air RB and Ground RB


Q: There are no top tier jets for Sweden and Great Britain coming in this update to better counter the new MiG-29SMT. Do you plan to add new top tier aircraft for these nations?
A: We have plans to add new top tier jets to both Sweden and Great Britain this year. Stay tuned to the news.


Bet it’s the Gripen as they said it in the Hungarian aviation question

wait what happened, is there another dev server?

Possibly, not announced yet.

Q: One of the reasons for asking to add the Hungary branch to Italy was Tigers/Panthers they had, being more heavily armored vehicles to diversify gameplay for Italy. It would also be nice to see more domestic vehicles, such as Turan II, Toldi, Zrinyi I, as well as the 40M Nimrod SPAA. Are there any plans for them?

A: Different variants of the domestic tanks, as well as German vehicles may come to the game in the future, both in the tech tree and as event vehicles. The Nimrod SPAA might come to the game in the future as well.


Where are these questions and answers coming from?

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According to performance chart N010M isnt the best one but certainly shares Top place with upcoming Block-50’s V7 radar and RDY radar on Mirage2k5F.

As far as i know Zhuk-MFSE version is the PESA model so cant say anything about Zhuk-M version.

CW is Continuous Wave. Radar mode used to target with AIM-7 etc.