Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Where’s T-90M?

It would be nice if they finally balanced the modification trees. Right now russia has a huge leg up. For example.

Here is the STRV 103-C Tree. Notice that Darts, LRF, etc are all T4:


Now here is the russian o685. Darts are T2, LRF is T3.


How about the T64. Darts are T1


How about the T72… Darts are T1, and LRF is T3:


How about we balance out the tech modules so they are ALL the same T-level and they ALL cost the same… That would be nice… But again, more proof of bias.


in the front lines

Ikr fr.

Best part is they want every other countries German tech. Which would make the tree overly fat and harder to grind.

Oh look, things are balanced.
LRF on Strv 103 is more powerful than on T-72A purely due to reload rate.
Other than that, meta rounds are rank 4 for all of them.

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I really don’t see why the BAE EAP was refused. It’s essentially a prototype Typhoon with flight characteristics more than reasonable for below top BR in its earliest variations and competitive for top tier in its final form. It flew for nearly 200 hours and while it may not have had the wiring for missiles, it carried dummy replicas. Gaijin have added FAR more egregious vehicles, and it would be an excellent interim between the gimped Tornado and the Eurofighter.

Looking forward to RWR and MAWS, hoping it’s also on some British jets because I really want to record my own voice lines for the funny. Hopefully this update I’ll stop being hard locked by friendlies who’re in front of me, I have no idea how that bug’s persisted for so long.

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Its an argument, but its a somewhat valid one

But yes, gunna give a lot of love to what we’ve got (hopefully)

Like how balanced at top tier?

Dont think so my friend.

Tbh my favs are

Hungarian sub tree,
Indian T-90.

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Actually seeing how they Implement MAWS is going to be interesting, because there is large number of aircraft that can get it in some form or another at least in regards to radar missiles.

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Hungarian subtree as well
And the Mi8

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Cause it didnt have:


RWR or any sort of defencing capabilites

Flew with replica missiles

Sadly that plane has no place in here but hey we can always hope for early version of Typhoon for British tree.

No need to use EAP. It’s not a finished aircraft or was outfitted with any weapons. Dummies sure but no systems for firing them.

Look elsewhere to Eurofighter DA.2. Its literally the EAP but ASRAAM and AIM-9L capable. It has weaker engines. No guns. No radar missiles. But ASRAAM would fuck hard.

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Think it had a radar, with AMRAAM and maybe 2x Skyflash

Also wasnt it armed with 27mm internal cannon?

Probably, I think though it was unreliable, but that isnt an issue in WT

Nah, I doubt it.
It did have a radar, but DA.2 was the ASRAAM evaluation and avionics airfrane. It was designed specifically for that task.
Theres been posts about it carrying radar missiles but no evidence for that.
So it’s just an IR fighter.

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Then it shouldnt be a problem.

Gaijin never cares about reliability issues.

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Hmmm… I’d hope for at least a basic radar for if nothing else, IFF., But yeah, IR carrier Typhoon could be a real possiblity short term, if Germany and Italy could be placated

Mhm I just hope its not a few vehicles here and there I would like to have at least 3 per rank.