Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

also what about things like the LvBrV which can guide it’s rockets without a radar lock being required

Optical tracking is fine, but it’s knowing where to look to actually lock it that F117 would shine. Flanking and flying in from different angles…you’d not be on a search radar so you’d be essentially invisible unless you’re against Stormer

LvBrv doesn’t have a search radar anyways

It wouldnt be top tier, its BR would have to be carefully chosen, I think 10.3 ish due to its lack of A2A but still having GBUs. Something kinda akin to Jaguar Gr1A in terms of A2G. The question will be though, TT or event/Premium. I dont think it would be a good fit on the TT, though it depends on if/what AAMs it carries

Fairly sure it relies on radar for its tracking, no? Hence the big square dish?

It carries no AAMs and has no gun

That’s what I thought. So yeah, wouldnt be a good fit for TT, I could see it being a premium at around 10.3-10.7

It would need to be an event or TT vehicle that’s just a bit weird.
It cant be in 9.x as thats not radar missiles.
10.3 is a good spot.

that’s a tracking radar but it’s only used for keeping the target in sights, the missile itself is SALCOS

True but how’re you going to guide it then, or even lock? Just dumfire and hope for the best?

I was thinking more 9.7 event vehicle as you have the A-10 and A-6 at 10.0 with better A2G and A2A

it’d be a buccaneer S.1 with a worse payload and at 10.3 it’s Stealth wouldn’t be of use anyways

we also have to remember that its a plane, so people are going to grind modifications in air battles, which the 117 would be worthless in

it could only be either not added or a Premium for exactly that reason

it’d be the Ju288 of the US tree tho

It would depend on how effective its defences are, Jaguar Gr1A is 10.3 with 2x GBUs, with similar flight performance (I think), similar A2G power, but stealth instead of 2x 9Gs could put them on parity. But if the stealth was useless, then yeah, I could see it going lower

thats true i forgot about the JU

at 10.3 usable radar missiles aren’t a thing to fear and even lower it’s stealth would be so neglectably useless that it may just not be implemented anyways

A-6E could carry 2 LGBs, 2 AIM-9L and a 20mm cannon and have similar flight performance to the F-117 with just the 2 LGBs, I don’t see it going higher than 10.0

honestly I don’t see it being added at all

Ah yeah, I forgot britain tax.

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