Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Community Bug Reporting System Magic 2 is already getting irccm and other buffs

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Thx guys!

“In 1978, the development of a new more efficient version was launched under the aegis of the DOA for the MAGIC 2. Through the use of a multi-channel detector, the sensitivity attained is one hundred times greater than that of the MAGIC 1. This seeker provides the missile with a target front attack capability at a distance ranging from 8 up to 25 kilometers.”

EXCUSE ME? I knew the R550 II was gimped in game, but I was not aware it was THAT gimped.


Well it should perform a good but better at range now with the drag being reduced not as good as aim9L/M but better.

Guys check this out, OTOMATIC can’t wait to remove the APFSDS limit
OTOMATIC APFSDS limit should be removed // // Issues

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they dont do second dev servers

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If someone want to take a look about this two reports and may or may not have any suggestion that would be great:

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Oh yeah you’re right, 12.0 will be fine, I’ll just carry on playing my British 12.0 air… Oh wait


As Smin has already mentioned…

Also Australian Army / Air Force have pretty much just used US Equipment compared to British/Commonwealth gear since US Equipment is better suited for SEA conditions… there has been little point using British/Commonwealth equipment in SEA… and we are closer to the US than UK ^^

Yeah well… because it makes great “Drama”… who needs facts on the internet anyway… and or and I lost count how many times you have been talking about it ^^

So… consider your self an Honorary Australian! ^^



Hello @Smin1080p
Based on this comment, do you think it would be possible for us to see the Hunter operated by Chile in the future?

Both vehicles started cold and shows the Challenger 2s acceleration is better than the Leclercs. In-game however this isn’t the case and the Challenger 2s have one of the worst accelerations out of all MBTs.

@Smin1080p @Pacifica

I would just like to say that the dev blog season for this patch has been excellent.

Personally I am not a big fan of the content that is coming but whoever is in charge of releasing the blogs has been doing a good job. Had 1 everyday with relatively close release times.

Makes for a much less frustrating dev blog season and it seems more professional from a consumer standpoint

Just wanted to leave my feedback incase anyone on your side cares


I have to agree the devblog side have been wonderful properly the best I’ve seen in awhile


It doesn’t show a better acceleration, both engines were off
It show that the Chally 2’s engine starts up faster than the Leclerc’s one
A second race was made with engines started and hot, the Leclerc won that one


No. Both vehicles started OFF. All it shows is the challenger can start it’s engine faster.

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Send me this video of yours then please.

that’s what happens when the Leclerc doesn’t have to spool up the turbine in its V8


i miss the times when Germany was considered one of the big Three.

let’s hope they can implement some fixes for the PSO an hopefully even the additional hull armor before live. then i might not be fully DOA


It doesn’t show a better acceleration, both engines were off
It show that the Chally 2’s engine starts up faster than the Leclerc’s one

That is what I basically said, the engines may of not (obviously) had time to pre heat their oils but my point mainly was that the Challenger 2 has faster time starting up and getting off.

that’s what happens when the Leclerc doesn’t have to spool up the turbine in its V8

The Challenger 2 in this video was mainly limited by its top speed and not acceleration. The video I sent prior was to show that the Challenger 2 isn’t well represented in-game the main issue being acceleration and suspension (which is the cause of it losing 99% of its speed whilst turning).

This video shows the main issue with the vehicles mobility in-game