Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

u dont even play top tier air, you have no idea what you are talking about lol

for 85% u are lacking a lot of air

Well I’m going to make a thread about it so sit tight m8. : D

But yea I would love to have a Polish tree though

And yeah, sorry, I don’t have enough time to even keep my knowledge up on USSR 4th gen, let alone US, or all the minor nations you all play. I know your experience is rough, and as top tier matches teams together across all nations, I hope you as my teammate get what you need to even things out as well, whatever that looks like for your tree.

Right there with you bro. 9.12 + R73 would be a really easy add for Germany. Don’t know why it isn’t there.

You’d sooner see them stretch the truth of history and give an Israeli F-16 some sort of SARH, or even give the Kurnass it’s Sparrows back before you’d see them add an F-15 for Israel. F-15 for Japan would be a stretch too. That’s all without saying, the Su-27 would have to come in the same update as the F-15. It’s not coming after, not unless the F-15’s are released without Fox 3’s.

If that happens, then USSR is again left without a missile bus. Which I guess is poetry, because not everything in this game has a direct 1:1 equal.

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i mean even a new mig 29 for germany specialy with R73 would be possible, the nato mig 29, has no real changes between 2 atennas and another cockpit, but it wouldnt have been the first vehicle with a placeholder cockpit, and most would even prefer this compared to no R73 access at all, folder the whole thing for 50% rp reduction and perfect

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Mine 8/10 TTs:

Yours 1/10 TTs:

There absolutely is a difference in between our in game knowlede.

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Are there any last minute surprises we can expect?

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fair enough was to lazy to log in war thunder and thunderskill screwed stats

still they could handle air situation right now differently

What about mine stats ?

I do think the F-15 will come first without AMRAAMs, I mean an F-15 with AMRAAMs would be like 13.0 for the current matchmaker at least, if you seriously think the SU-27 is coming to the game with the R-77 at a BR where it can see the F-4EJ Kai then IDK what you’re smoking, like what BR do you actually think the SU-27 would be?

and not everything is about USA/USSR, all the aircraft I mentioned are to bring the minor nations up to par the best they can, the only reason I said F-15 is because it would be a great help to Israel and Japan, it would have to come to the US as a side effect of that but tbh who cares, when the SU-27 arrives for Russia that thing is going to dominate, so why not put the USA back on top for a little while first.

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Holy mother of god, that is a lot of premiums xD

Hehe well I do grind XD so why make it harder.

But yea after the next update I will be using less

But on a serious note without the premiums how am I ?

I was thinking 12.3. I was also proposing a Su-27 without Fox-3s as an analogue to the F-14B. That’s it. No need to read into it beyond that.

The US is already on top as is, so unless things really change with the SMT, I don’t think that will change either.

I apologize, I set a bad precedent. I wanted to show that I comprehend the balance at top tier on a personal level. Not chase clout for how many vehicles I have.

As long as you enjoy War Thunder, that is the goal, personally I would not play top tier unless you are ok with constant balance upsets. As for your vehicles, they are your own choices in what to grind, and it certainly appears you enjoy the game a great deal!

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Nah it’s ok I like to find out other and I am doing from time to time.

Well I’ve been playing since 2016 so I guess I do lmao.

And from this update onwards I guess you will know what I will be playing lol.

Plus you can see I’m not a toxic main I play everyone hehe

The SU-27 without R-77 is a minimum of 12.7, if you don’t think it’s significantly better than the F-16C and SMT then I don’t understand why you want it so much.

The F-15A could easily be 12.3 with AIM-9L/Ms and AIM-7F/Ms but with R-27Es and R-73s the SU-27 is leagues above that.

Nice! The second playable destroyer in the tree now)

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I did see you play everyone and that is amazing, getting a balanced perspective on the game helps understand changes better.

Or revile russian top tier GRB more ig

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They wrote it as Princeton because Navweaps saids USS Princeton first used Mk 38 Mod 2. There are variety of ships that uses Mk 38 Mod 2.
And as Mk 38 Mod 1 is currently on Cylcone ingame, we can assume where those Mk 38 Mod 2 will be in game:


Another useless patrol boats that has slow firing 25 mm, and this time it is too small to get big ship DM unlike Cyclone.

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The original J-10 could iirc then they replaced the PL-11 with PL-12s on the J-10A

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Honestly pre-R-27ER I was entirely open to the Su-27 because giving the aircraft 4-6x R-27Rs and 4-6x R-73s would be a good 12.3 aircraft only being slightly better than the F-14B imo but because of the fact it would get the R-27ER there is no reason for it to be 12.3 and honestly it shouldn’t be 12.7.

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