Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Disagree, gonna end it there. Please feel free to DM me if you have more you’d like to tell me or consider.

On the Tico?

Impetuoso-class, Impetuoso

ok tell me where is the balance in f16c and mig 29smt with r27et and r73 while sweden and britain dont have anything

@Motherhen357 Something I got in mind m8.


March 29, 2022

“We know that many Polish players
are asking for a separate Polish technology tree.
While we can’t confirm any specific plans,
let’s just say we’re committed to finding a way to
add all the important military vehicles that actually existed.
As you can see, we found solutions for South Africa and Israel,
so there may be a solution for Poland too.”
War Thunder: Wind of Change - Porozmawialiśmy z twórcami o nowym rozszerzeniu

December 09, 2022

“Our experience with the South African and Finnish tech subtrees has shown us
that even a small number of weapon producing countries have something of interest to players.
There isn’t enough variety to form a full-fledged tech tree,
but there are some cool and interesting weapons with interesting designs.
We are currently researching whether we can do something in Hungary and some other countries.”

June 13, 2023

Bonuses for researching new in-game nations

Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations,
and we have no intentions of stopping there! However,
as we introduce new nations,
it becomes increasingly challenging to capture the attention of veteran players.
They have already traversed the ranks multiple times, and therefore,
each new journey through a different tree becomes less captivating.
[Development] [RoadMap] Economy Revision - Our Plan in Detail - News - War Thunder

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Sweden is confirmed to be getting something, hopefully next patch, and Britain has nothing that they could add, it’s dumb they didn’t add the Gripen this patch but blame the devs for that not him.


PG-02 has had it 's AShM 's available in the files since introduction, so while I can’t claim to understand how GJN plans to powerscale NF in future, there 's a very real possibility this find won’t mean anything imminent for a very long time …

lol he wants stuff like the su 27 when other nations lack way behind, if he wants stuff he cant only look at US for balance but has to look at all nations in the game

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Not sure. I feel like correcting the issue with the R-73 has become a pandora’s box for this update. The USSR truly needed an upgrade in the short-range AAM department. Now minor nations are mad because they get nothing, and US mains are mad that it’s someone else’s turn to be the best plane in the game.

All I can really say is refer to what Smin said before:

The technology gap for the minor nations likely won’t be bridged until Fox-3’s, and that won’t probably happen until the live server becomes the next stage of the advanced dogfight missile sandbox that it will inevitably turn into. I truly believe Gaijin wants to give us Fox-3’s and all the other good stuff we all want so badly. But I think they’re exercising extreme caution to not release something into the game that is going to change it too quickly. At the same time, I don’t think Gaijin gave themselves enough time to work the R-73 into the game, given the changes it would cause, and the changes others would demand upon it’s release.


Get used to not having the latest or greatest, you havent been the best in the air since the Spitfire and the battle of britain.

I mean we need at the very least, the Gripen for Sweden, J-10A for China and the F-15 for Israel and Japan before the SU-27 should be considered, wish there was something for Britain and Germany but until AMRAAMs there just isn’t.

Here is the thing, where is Germanys R73? it used them just as much. No balancing issue since it would be strongern then the R73 as well


i dont even play Uk, i could care less, still saying it isnt just

Given the history there, probably next updated.

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yes and again biased, germany is just as in need of better IR missles then Soviet is

Stop complaining, minor nations have few vehicles an even less modifications. This means that until whatever variant or vehicle they have is relevant to game balance they wont get a “new/meta” vehicle.

Would be a lot more meaningful if we had seen any evidence of those " interesting designs " being in the works, like we did for Israel and Hungary.

I don’t doubt that they have some PL vehicles ready for something, but since they’ve kept them locked as tight as they had French Navy, it 's hard to speculate on what the specific selection of vehicles might imply for their intended introduction - we don’t know what that " specific selection " is composed of atm.


But asking for the SU-27 is fine?

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u dont make sense i dont even play anything besides germany currently, i am just speaking from a whole game balance view

You clearly dont see the whole game balance view, I own nearly 85% of all vehicles in game, specifically those at top tier. I can tell you there will be no balance, there has been no balance. And to cry and whine on the forums about the two biggest weapons producing nations constantly getting new shiny vehicles is infantile.