Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

R-27’s were provided to the Chinese in the late 80’s for their Su-27MK’s (which re-designated to J-11). There’s no excuse not to add the J-11 and Su-27 other than the fact that only the US is allowed a BVR missile bus right now. :(

Which in all fairness everyone can acknowledge the AIM-54 isnt the greatest missle unless properly used in which case it still underpreforms

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I mean the SU-27 has more missiles, better missiles, and better flight performance than the F-14. Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.

Date of introduction =/= balance, as we’ve seen in game. Which can also run inverse. It’s really up to the devs, and frankly I don’t think we’re even ready for R-73/AIM-9M even though the R-73 finally gives the USSR a viable short-range missile. That’s why you won’t see Python 4 for a while, for the sake of letting people adjust to the slow-boil that is top-tier.

You say fiercely advocating for the SU-27 which will have a much bigger impact on the game than the Python 4

and it is still the next step for Fox2 missiles in the game, again for a nation with no other kind of missile.

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Su-27P is easily equivalent to F-14B, especially with all those damn CM. The R-77 is no excuse not to bring the plane in, as the MiG-29 and others could carry it.

You’d be facing off against a plane with 2 R-27T’s and 4 R-27R’s (E’s don’t need to be added unless chosen) and 4 R-60M/R-73’s.

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You clearly dont understand missile progression from a technical perspective so I will give you a short bit of history, R-73 and AIM-9M (crossed array/rosette scan) both came into service in the early 80s, both were fairly capable and programmed to deal with their respective sides countermeasures. However in the 90s a much more advanced type of IRCCM was developed, scanning imaging systems, this is what the Python 4 would have.

That combined with post cold war testing resulted in todays western IRCCM being nearly immune to everything short of directed energy weapons. In short you are asking for a missile which in game wont go for flares and has an absurd max range and maneuvering limit. No it wont be coming, and when it does this forum will once again erupt in whining because they cant comprehend not getting away from missiles.

  • China will get addition vehicles, they are also a minor nations, none of this is hard to comprehend. Expect nothing and be surprised.

to be fair they dropped f14 out of nowhere

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It’s impact will be as big as the F-14B’s, so I don’t know what to tell you there. Python 4 would be a bigger game breaker than the R-73 and AIM-9M which are about to totally turn tables.

I’m not saying Israel doesn’t need a BVR, and doesn’t need to be upgraded concurrent with everything else, I’m saying Python-4 is a step too far. I’m also saying Su-27 isn’t a step too far.

Surprised not to have seen any discussion abt these new discoveries by Gszabi:

The 150gal droptank could be for a number of aircraft, personally I think it 's either for the F6F ( which has had it as part of the visual model for a very long time, but only recently received an animation for releasing it in Darkflow 's Enlisted ), or the F-5E.

While the names of the new track textures are interesting as relates to possible future additions, from discussing the finds they’re currently in use on the new VIDAR and AMX10M. Probably don’t point to near-future additions.

This new variant of the 25mm Mk.38 joins the previously discovered OTO Super Rapide in being a gun first fitted to a guided-missile ship.

Momi-class, Momi has replaced Mutsuki as the JPN Bluewater reserve:

There 's also a new Italian ship in the files:

Impetuoso-class, Impetuoso. I’d expected the 320mm Menon mortar to be for something like a Luigi Rizzo -class frigate when we first saw it in the files - well, here it is now:


again, more missiles, better missiles, better flight performance, they aren’t exactly equal.

and who are you kidding saying it won’t get R-27Es, of course it’s going to get them.

Su-27 has not arrived yet, when it does so will the F-15. “Missile bus” is frankly not something every nation will have. Currently the game is in a light fighter meta, that will shift towards heavier air superiority fighters in the next year.

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dont take me the wrong way, but seems mostly boring

and I’m saying the python 4 isn’t a step too far and the SU-27 is a step too far

we can say different things you understand that right, just because you say it doesn’t make it right.

I at least have the fact that the devs have said the Python 4 is being considered and that it’s in the files now as some evidence that it is coming sooner rather than later.

Also Israel being too good has almost no impact on the game overall, Russia being too good has a massive impact due to how many people play Russia.


this is USS Princeton(CG-59):

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I’m not saying it won’t, I’m just saying it wouldn’t have to, and if, for the sake of balance, it gives the USSR a missile bus, I’m all for it.

Where does the 320mm mortar go?

It wouldn’t be balanced though, the F-14 and SU-27 are not comparable in their performance at all.

Thats a Ticonderoga class missile cruiser! There’s no way they are making a big jump like that right?

It 's behind the forward main turret, ahead of the bridge.