Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Don’t forget the Python 4 as well, the Soviets really outdid themselves with the R-73

Yeah, I just dont see it coming all that soon. But I think ASRAAM is needed sooner rather than later for Britain. I think its the only thing that will keep britain in the fight whilst remaining somewhat fair withwise of vehicle adds.

No problem for it if the MiG29 actually gets r73s. If it will stay with R60Ms then no need for 9Ms

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F-16AJ is great for 2 reasons: It can clear the sky of CAS, and take out SPAA for your team’s slower CAS.
F-16AJ is also part of the meta in ARB, I should know having used it, even if my teams were far more aggressive [and possibly kill-stealy] than I was.

When 12.3 comes, F-15J is close, and it might be this update, dunno.

LOL! No where close there bud. They’re slightly to notably better than R-73s in ECCM/IRCCM.
And PestoMystic has shown support for wanting tech trees competitive, slandering him with off-topic nonsense isn’t helpful to THIS THREAD.

ASRAAM is closer to AIM-9XII and IRIS-T than to R-73 I’d say.

Meanwhile Sweden sitting with their 11.0 copy and paste jet at 11.7

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Agreed, if the MiG-29 keeps the same A2A loadout then so should the F-16, it’s pretty well balanced already so no need to change one without the other


Anything with a gimble is off boresight. 9L is off boresight. Boresight is directly ahead off boresight is anything where the seeker can look other than straight ahead

The F-15A early, did not have flares and chaff. AIM-9L is absolutely the best missile in game, AIM-9M would be overkill. IF the R-73 gets fixed, then the AIM-9M is perfectly acceptable, until then, things should stay as is.

Different cockpit, countermeasures, and Aim-9s… Not copy-paste.

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Python 3 (PL-8) would like to talk

It is not true that Russia and Russia alone is getting the most modern stuff first. Not true at all.

But we are going to need something if we want our native jets to stay in the fight vs next gen, with no Typhoon on the horizon. We’ll need something big and strong. ASRAAM for a sub-sonic like Harrier Gr9 or Sea Harrer FA2 at 12.3-12.7 might be the fix we need and the same as giving an 11.3 R-73s


It’s not coming anytime soon as it has longer range than all other IR missiles except some of the MICA variants and other than a very small selection of missiles it has full 360 aircraft coverage due to INS and it’s also considerably faster accelerating than most other missiles

R-27T and R-73s and Python 3 would all disagree


Yet it still a top-lane plane. Im not arguing about ARB, but for GRB its still locked for top-ter line-up and still provides quite unstable option (Mavericks), while whole bracket from 8.3 to 9.3 (and actually lower) lacks decent CAS.

Viggen C also had 9L and countermeasures. The only difference between D and C was that D had different cockpit and radar to the aim-120. Other then that is was same thing. Viggen D was useless addition as all they could do give C 9L, BOL pods and move it to 11.3 and you would have same thing.

We will have to see which jets will be added at what speed and in which order…

I’d expect artificial nerfs to keep it in line, but I just dont see a way forward for britain without either next gen IRs like ASRAAM (with nerfs) or next gen jets like Typhoon. Everything else will be undertiered and outclassed