Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)


I think it’s fair to put the R-27T in with the radar missiles as that is the slot it takes up on the MiG-29 and the R-73 is both bugged and only on the SU-25 atm.

The Python 3/PL-8 is the best short range Fox2 though

R27T is the most fun missiles to use in the game right now imho lol. When I manage to fire it perfectly rear aspect under 3km and see it dunk on people despite them spamming flares it’s really satisfying when you are used to R60s lol (although I can only imagine the frustration of the guy I shoot at lol)

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though is a WIP. Im going to reserve judgement for a while yet

usually me in a Torando Gr1 desperately trying to throw the Mig-29 off my tail

Why do we not have the Mig-29 “Early” which couldn’t use its guns unless the drop tank was removed? Oh thats right… because we only handicap everyone but russia… No. The F15A with Aim-9M and Aim-120s is long overdue. The AMRAAMS should be in place for about 6 other nations at this point. Anything else, is pure russian bias. Its so clear its insane.

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I think everyone pretty much agrees that when the R-73 is working correctly the AIM-9M will be next

Yeah, well… we all hope its next. Damn the Tornado F3 needs them ASAP

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But yea gn peeps


What can I say? I’ve been playing the game for like 10 years, took a huge break during college, and came back after the events of the third week of February 2022.

I used to avoid Soviet/Chinese vehicles, and only mained Germany and US.

Now I only play USSR (will start grinding China soon), and I’m MUCH better than I used to be. Check out my stats for MiG-23MLD, MiG-29, T-72A, and T-64B, that’s a lot closer to how good of a player that I am (not that I care anyways, I have fun no matter what!).

I don’t mind if you think I’m biased, we all are. I’m sure you’ve had a chance to see my replies that occured before you put my stat-card in a thread about Major Updates and Rumors (LOL), I want competitive play all-around.


yeah the tornado really is a boat compared to 4th gens.

What’s the point in artificially nerfing when all that will do is bring it down to equivalent stuff in game like a 9M or R-73 😂😂 we now have options because they have said britain is now the place for commonwealth. They can literally add F-16, CF-18, Tejas, MiG-29, SU-30, Gripen all of which fill the gap to the eurofighter which is significantly better than all of them.

Sea harrier FA2 and a tornado with better missiles isn’t going to do much of anything for the British tree at this rate.

This shouldn’t be the way. The way should be they both launch at the same time. Not “oh in the future once we upgrade to the next Mig or SU then we will back full something…”

You clearly do not want competitive play all around if you are not pushing for Japan, Isreal, Sweden etc to get the Aim-9M while the R-73 is already in game. Fair play, would simply be tit for tat.

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All i want is for Sweden to finally get a 4th gen jet. They really need Gripen C

Aim-9m wouldnt be too different from Aim-9l which is already the best AA missle in the game

Do it! I’d love to have multiple MiG-29’s. The reason why the early would have to come in right now is for balance purposes. F-15C is way too capable without a base model Su-27.

If you want a gucci F-15A with AMRAAMS, you’re going to get a Su-27 on the other side with at least 4 R-77’s and a handful of R-27ER’s and R-73’s.

If you don’t think Russia has a single handicap, you should play their tech trees. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

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imho the game is not going to be more fun with Amraams and R77s… people are still dying by fucking aim54s at top tier (and with that I don’t mean the occasional death the 1 in 100 times you are not paying attention, I literally mean trying to dodge them but failing), proper fox3s would mean half of each team could potentially die extremely early making match snowball even faster

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I think it’s only happening like this because of the issues the devs seem to be having getting the R-73 to work.
They tried it in the Apex dev server and it was too good so they nerfed it and it broke and now it’s still broken so they’re trying to fix it, once it’s fixed adding the AIM-9M shouldn’t take too long as it is largely the same as the AIM-9L. I do get what you’re saying though.

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Exceot no one wants any of that, they would all be boring AF to fly. its a lazy solution to a major problem and I dont think they should nerf to be inline, but just to hold them back a bit. Stop them from being this god tier missile,

It would be no different to what they’ve done with the R-27ER for the Mig-29. Given it a deliberately better BVR to keep it in the fight.