Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

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@Smin1080p Any news about the AIM, RAM & Stuart being hidden and adding into the British tree ?

Since it’s now confirmed that future Commonwealth vehicles will be added to Britain.

Gaijin’s Double Standard HAHA

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Britain is the only true one that suffers


You spelled Japan wrong


Here we go bet it will be a no and no plans

Will the type 10 get its side composite if the type 10 Prototype is being added.

We have not confirmed every single Commonwealth vehicle will be moved or added to the UK tree. As explained in the T-90 blog, we do indeed plan to add some nations in to supplement the British roster.

But currently we do not have an Australian and Canadian sub-tree home in the UK tree. So their vehicles can still be deployed to the most applicable nations in game where those needs are present on a vehicle by vehicle basis. For the AIM, that remains the US and we have no immediate plans to change that.


I don’t like this answer but I’m not gonna argue on this as I’m abit sad about the double standards here.

honestly when i wanna force a response out oif smin i send him dms, he answers to every single one of them compared to pings

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Are you able to provide the Criteria though for what commonwealth additions we may expect in the future? Do you they have to be natively produced in the country of origin, like much of the SA ground tree? or can they include their imported vehicles?

(though on a personal note, i hope you use this sparringly and aim to add vehciles that actually fit in with the British tree, such as export version of the BAE hawk or Scorpion CRVs used by other nations rather than adding more soviet tech)

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Gib Indian SMT now and the 27K : D

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just please dont take stuff like Leopard SG, enough countries are getting leopards

Hehe, bring on the Canadians :P

those as well yeah

Yessss a Leo line after the Mk.7

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After the germans stole the Hunter, I 'm sure we can find a commonwealth nation that used the Lynx

Oh wait Australia

Sad britain noises when all we get is two copy paste

just saying we didnt steal it, we didnt even want it, it was lazy copy pasta a model from gajin, the alpha jet would have done the exact same job but they would have needed to make a new model

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