Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

From what I heard it likes to not use tvc now and when it does, it spins out of control but take it with grain of salt did not update dev (dead internet)

wouldn’t look to much into it tbh, that’s what a devserver is for after all

copefully crying

Better than nothing I suppose

i know but like, you need exactly one braincell to figure out that having it not use tvc until the very last second of it having its motor on, will make it overcompensate way too much, making it spin out of control if thats the only thing you change

so i guess we just have a glorified python now?

Anyone wants to talk about how Japan not only lacks a bedder AA system but a proper ATGM Carrier aswell? we only got the Type 60 ATM and the Typ 89 IVF for that. Some more ATGM boys would be nice


i have lost count on how many times stona has said theyre working on something

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As far as I know, he has said so at least three times.

I want to talk about ATGM carriers, not AA systems for japan.
The first few word are meant like " everyone talks about bedder AA for japan" and after that comes " but nobody really talks about ATGM carriers for JP"

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ah, my bad. i mean i guess they need some? but then again, atgm vehicles dont really perform that well

But JP got some anoying contenders for that Place as shown in the photos and even a possible Premium with that Chaffe similiar to the AMX 13 SS11

arent those type 60 missiles?

Should be

you know what i want to say dont ya

also, anyone going to mention how the type 10 prototype has better armor than the production ones in game?

god that side armor is rough though. never even noticed that

also come to realize, the F-16’s rwr doesnt detect K and F bands… meaning that they also dont detect the pantsir’s search radar now. that seems a little scuffed

A weapon is only as effective as the Man who carries is.

And some weapons get discarded for a reason.

spoken as a true japan main. gotta get that old man’s wisdom in :p
jokes aside, for what exactly?

Could be:
Type 81 or Type 11
Any of those would be PERFECT

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