Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

If it would get the extra add on armor it would likely be the best looking tank in this update for me.

Hell probably one of the best looking tanks in this game for me.

In the Dev server I find out that some players may have to research more vehicles to get some particular vehicle than now, and i think it can be avoided with a slight fix to the new tech tree.(by the way most of the new changes are great)
The problem mainly happens when 2 or 3 vehicles which are in front of the particular vehicle (that players want to get) get folded (or grouped), e.g. players that already have ZBD86 can research and purchase M41D with no problem in the current game, even if they don’t have the newly added ZTS63, BUT in the Dev server, as a result of folding (grouping) ZTS63 and ZBD86, the M41D will be linked to ZTS63 instead of ZBD86, so players have to research and get ZTS63 first in order to get M41D, which may lead to breaking the pace and goal of those players.

War Thunder Screenshot 2023.09.05 -

I suggest that a light change will repair this, just count the folder as a whole, and as long as the player has at least 1 vehicle in that folder (it doesn’t matter if the player have 1st or 2nd or 3rd vehicle in that folder), players can research and get the vehicle which is linked behind the folder. In that case, players can get the vehicle that they previously researching without being interrupted by the new tech tree changes (i believe that is also what the developers want----to give players better experience).


some of the folders even make no sense

the Swedish Vampire which is an early version is folderd behind the Finnish Vampire FB.52 which is in every way better than the Swdish one

it not only means nobody will research the Swedish vampire anymore but also I’ll now have to grind the Finnish one anyways

I mean, it’s not stealth is it? If it isn’t, then thats fine in my book.

No not stealth but it’s extremely maneuverable and is the most sexy jet ever made


Anyone know what’s up with the 2S1? It has a default HE shell (3OF24) and a Tier 4 HE Shell (3OF56), with the only difference between them being the Tier 4 is lighter and goes a whopping 4 m/s faster, but because it’s lighter it has worse ballistics

The agility would be nifty, and i must admit from what I’ve seen it’s pretty good looking. Maybe not just yet though

ye it should come much later sadly it was never accepted into service 4 (3 fully finished ) were made and one was unfinished

uh, what have they done to the 73? it looks like it doesnt use tvc until a second or two have past, after which it usually loses control

They are trying to appease NATO mains


i guess they still havent found the flare keybind yet :p

True they only use periodic, and then they have no flares (too much a10 and f-14b)

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now watch someone say you cant flare them (you very much can)

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They should have take the Typ 93 and just slap 6 ATGMs on the back. similiar effort but a very useful vehicle.

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ignoring the last few comment, the most likely reason is the change they made to PID earlier, probably for the spin problem…

Well, the DEV will be finished in about half a day, and I hope that after the update, SAM will be added to Japan.


I mean from my understanding you can, but the closer they get the less likely they are to go for the flares. that said that was before this set of changes, so that’ll need further investigation

well if they would do that i would also gladly accept this


so while trying to fix the issue… they actually somehow made it worse.

classic gaijin move

Let’s hope we get the rest of the armor before it goes live. At least then it has a small right to exist in game

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