Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I mean it has the same armor as other Type 10s. Adding a top tier round wouldn’t make it any worse than the other 2.

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it stops it. Cause now gaijin have excuse to not add something in this patch and next one: “You have vehicle in this patch” and “You got vehicle in previous one”
And yeah, line-up for this pile of shit will appear not in forseen future.


Of you go compare the M1A1 HC to the M1A2 to the M1A2 SEP you will see they are different tanks.

Go compare the Type 90 to the Type 90(B) and then come back when you find a difference besides the name. That’s Copy+Paste.

Same with the Leclerc and the Leclerc S2. They are backups that you have to grind and spade that are identical to their predecessors.

Another thing is that in the begining we literally was shown a fucking shitboat and told: “Screw you.” Then they gave us hope for something that isnt ready and finally shown a fucking useless copy-paste. It literally looks like a last minute addition, made in hurry. It wouldnt be so bad, if they shown it at the dev-stream. Wouldnt be so painful


Its already busted at 10.3 as is lmao.

Since there was only one TK-X No.3 built (prototype with a dozer blade) so it is weird that we have now two of it in the tech tree ?
Why not add the forth prototype since it is the same as the third but instead of a dozer blade, it is equipped with different device for attaching mine roller, and there are some visual difference in the hull design ? (The one on the furthest right).

Also it is strange that this thing is 10.3 while Type 90 is 11.0 with worse frontal protection, gunner sight and thermal ? At least get the Type 90 down to 10.3 so we can have a proper lineup (Type 90 is over-tiered anyway).

Otherwise just make it another 11.7 tank with Type 10 APFSDS, i honestly don’t see how adding a lonely tank at this BR will fix the current issue of the top rank. This thing will forcing you to up BR the Type 16 or Type 93 rather than improving the current lineups.


Bro what kind of busted lineup do you want. At best it should be the Type 90s at 10.7 and this thing at 10.7-11.0 lmao.

just like Leo PSO ans MBT-2000

essentially Worthless Prototypes that add nothing to the tree

(although the Type 10 Prototype is the worst one of them)

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Thinking it over it would of been better if the Type 90s went down in BR and the new Type 10 just at top tier or slightly below.


Another Type 10? That’s… pointless?


PID stands for “Proportional, Integral, Derivative” and is basically the algorithm that uses the seeker head data (radar or IR) to steer the ailerons and thrust vectoring of a missile.

Don’t know how it works exactly in details tho.
Anyhow, no changes to the seeker itself, but I assume those buffs are meant to stop the R73 from spinning out of control on very close, high angle shots.

You could think of it as the brain of the missile.

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like it or not, China is the third largest superpower IRL next to USA and Russia.
As such, it deserves to have at least one modern aircraft to be added now in light of the MiG-29SMT and the F-16C.

The F-16A MLU is relatively inferior in ground pounding given the inconsistency of the Mavericks when other countries have laser munitions such as AS-30, Paveways, KH series, etc, which are more consistent and accurate.

the J-8F has NO BVR CAPABILITY at all, while Russia is getting their second mig-29 and US is getting their third F-16.

I would seriously be happy with just J-10A with both decent BVR and IR capability, OR a JH-7A with more orientation on ground attack capability (up to 4x LGB) but with capability in A2A combat too (PL-8s!)


@Smin1080p is it possible we could see the fixes to SRAAM this update? That missile is in a very poor state currently. Would be nice to see it get its range and all the things reported buffed

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Anyone knows whats the range on MIM-72G?

The F-16C and MiG-29SMT were moved to 12.3 so that’s good.

If F16C maintains its current status and does not add new A2A weapons, it will not be able to handle 12.3 at all, unless Gaijin makes its radar very excellent

basic Controller circuits like this Emulated PID are pretty simple if you look into it

essentially control in this case how the missile copes with diffrences in course


Hopefully for this update


Pls @Smin1080p I am begging 😂is britain getting something it actually needs this update? Like an IFV or something.

Dozer Blade is now a modification on the Leopard 2 PSO. Hopefully Gaijin will allow us to mount the addition armor on the front now if you dont have the dozer modification equipped