Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Which one is more powerful, J-16 or Su-35? Such as radar

No idea.

I guess so

with this change it’s now more of a menace than it was before

and there is finally some diffrence in Flight path to the R60Ms ive been usinbg on live

if IRCM gets added this thing will be a horror to face just like 9J were when they first got added a few years ago

Excellent! The new Type 10 has the same problem with the side skirts catching when the posture is lowered as before.


Kill me kill me kill me

I swear Japan is the most neglected nation

I know I’m complaining a lot but still :/

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hey you just got a new tank

Like the MBT-2000; it’s cool to see but not what the nations are missing, where’s my weeb SAM and censorship IFV?

Some RWRs now tell you if you are being fired at with a radar missile, but the sound is kinda buggy. Sometimes you see you are locked but you don’t get a tone.

and talking about Japan: Patria when? Patria and Japan Steel Works Ltd. signed manufacturing license agreement for Patria AMV XP vehicles | Patria

Sad britain noises


I saw that in the news, but it’s waaaay to early to add the patria in the game. We have no idea what the Japanese version is gonna look like

Currently confirmed Japanese patria are of this type

Looks decent, but why is this in the light tank line???

It’s true tho. China just has to wait for PL-11 and AIM-120/AIM-9M on these two jets.

thats just a demonstrator vehicle

Then I guess these are the vehicles that would be realistic to implement.


These were the planned variatns of the Type 16 hull right? Still i don’t think many of these were actually built, so I’m sceptical japan will get any of these

This is Japanese news, but something like this has actually been confirmed
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Why is the driver suddenly sitting on the other side compared to in the picture you posted earlier?