Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

wrong check again it was made by sweden not for sweden since its a swedish armor package not a german in the other hand there is the STRV122 2B+ wich adds a german armor package

Maybe gajin has been smoking something and japan will get nothing this udate, but the october one will be hige for japan with sub-tree. (But knowing gaijin I highly dout that)


Them and many others are also missing HARM missiles. Which would effect russia more than anyone else. But here we are.

Where are German ww2 vehicles?

The Zrínyi and the Turán are NOT Czech, they are Hungarian. The Turán was a HEAVILY modified t21, it’s basically a new tank. The hull, turret, suspension, optics, engine, gun and the armor were all changed.

The Zrínyi was built on the hungarian Turán tank. It’s hungarian, both of these are hungarian.

I they could have made the t72 and the btr interesting. Like put the Hungarian t72 modernisation with 6 sec reload and with Hungarian ERA. The btr 80a should be changed with a Hungarian modified bmp with a btr 80 A turret.

Also Hungary had a great military industry in ww2 with producing its own tanks, firearms and other vehicles.

Also Hungary had developed weapons that no other nation had like the buzoganyveto. And had interesting developments like the Titán or the liderc.

I don’t think Romania would work as a independent tech tree.


STRV 122 is missing the Galix APS system in game.

Torando Gr1, Harrier Gr7 and jagaur Gr1A ( i think) could all run those too.

tho it has aswell some french stuff like the galix system

The turm is leopars 2a5 yes, but the chassis to be exact is the DEMO 2 chassis ( prototype 2 chassis) which corresponds to the hull of the leoaprd 2a6ex.
that is the problem as stupid as it sounds sources are scare about it and one of the sources is wikipedia, but it is believable because a normal 2a5 chassis cant equip the side armor that we see on the leo 2 pso

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They forgot Japan exists


Two SubTTs in a row? No way gaijin would do it. And well… Italy getting sub-tree before Japan is a fucking joke (yeah, yeah, nation which present in game from its early days being without any sub-tree)


The SAABs could run the AGM-12, AGM-65, and the SAAB 305. Which would add 8+ new AGMs to the game where they are really needed. But they didn’t do it.

ah yeah i was just talking about that plus it has a quite a few stuff developed from the swedish army itself tho its mostly made with german stuff and upgrade packages it does have swedish and french stuff only in the galix system tho

Japan flies the F15. So adding the F15 would bring them up to par.

That’s because everyone hates CAS.

I HIGHLY doubt that they will release F16 and F15 in one update

If everyone hates CAS then why did we get 3 new copy paste CAS planes in the russian tree?

I like CAS.

I think its more CAS is one sided, Pantsir and Tor M1 beats all CAS, but soviets have nothing to dish it out. Its just unbalanced

IDK but lots of ground players complain about CAS and CAS is pretty useless in air battles, it’s primary purpose seems to be annoying players

I will push back on AIM-9M until the R-73 is properly modelled. I don’t fly US planes, but F-15A (assuming A, not C) needs the mid-service 80’s upgrade to give it flares and other QOL.

I will make a single stand in saying that Su-27 development was influenced by F-15, but also the F-14. Much of the early T-10 prototypes actually benefited from information about the F-14 research the Soviets had regarding early test models, including a model of the F-14 that had fixed wings instead of variable.

I think an argument could be made for a PVO version of the early Su-27 with less-capable avionics, and a radar similar to the MiG-29’s with 4-6 R-27ER’s, something to bring parity to the AIM-54C spam that when done properly, is very deadly.

Yeah it is a fucking joke alongside japan not having top tier AA for soo long, but Israel getting new AA now (god knows what br the new israel will be but it will still be abov 10.0), I know israel needed it too but for fucksake