Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

it does, the chassis is the leoaprd 2a6ex chassis, which has the same armor as the sweden ones


I think this was true, but less so in the past few years. Adding Taiwan to china though, well, that is a very political statement

I know, I think it is kinda subtree or bust for Britain at this point and the SAAF fits best, unless they give you a proposed aircraft in the same vein as the F-16AJ, do you know of any candidates that fit that description?

Eeeeeh…It gets the STRV 122 UFP from what i understand, it just lacks the angular block a the front that is replaced by the dozer blade. Said blade will probably provide as much protection as the afformentionned angular block

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If it was an Indian Lynx, not an Australian Lynx, they’d have a complaint to make. India is a former colony Australia is a present commonwealth emphasis for the Gaijin team lurking, because there’s a huge distinct difference.

CF-18 from Canada or F/A-18 from Australia, but I feel by the time we get F-18, Typhoon wouldnt be far off.

Hawk-200 with ASRAAM and AMRAAM would be fun, but again, the likelyhood of us getting ASRAAM is slim outside of the Tornado Gr4 for a long time.

the strv its a modification made by sweden of the leopard meanwhile the lynx its completely made by germany and germany only so comparing those 2 vehicles isnt fair

you are demanding primary sources of a prototype that never was for sale, even if i give you proof it is 1 in german and 2 not a primary source and you wouldnt believe it
my recommendation just wait and see tmw

The suffering will never end.

Modification made FOR Sweden, not by Sweden. 😉 they’re still German made. In that regard the lynx may have a better case since they will be produced by Rheinmetall in Hungary

Britain from here to Typhoon is dependent on missile tech, and less airframe I think. So I did wonder if they would give FA2 with hard-cap 2x AMRAAM an update before everyone else, being sub-sonic and limited hard points, but I doubt it. Again, 9Ms would be a big buff, but everyone is getting 9Ms when Britain does. The issue is, we cant win on tech because of “balance” like we could IRL

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Su-27’s equivalent, F-15 isn’t even in game yet.
And I want Su-27s as much as you do.
F-15C with 9L/Ms & Aim-7s, with Su-27 with R-73s & R-27ERs seems equivalent from my preliminary research.

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Honestly that might be our best bet. It’s possible Britain gets the ASRAAM a bit sooner to make up for the lack of top tier aircraft, like how Israel got the Python 3 on their F-16 to make up for the lack of Sparrows

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dude stop posted cringe. DCS mods BRUH

Sure hope Germany doesn’t end up as a lesser Sweden AND a lesser Italy.

I didn’t say primary source, I said source. I was under the impression the PSO is based on the 2A5, hence the L44 cannon. So I want to know where your information is from

Yeah. Its Britains only chance without something from someone else. But my god, the complaining when we get ASRAAM…

Harrier Gr9, Hawk200, Tornado Gr4, SHar FA2. All could run ASRAAM. So maybe that is the only option, pure AAM power

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Maybe if you’re really nice Gaijin will give us the Super Tiger.


It actually makes more sense to add the F-15 at this point. The F15 can go to USA, Japan, and Isreal. So it would bring 3 nations up to speed in a new Meta. It should also bring in the Aim-9M which is very long overdue on many platforms. The AIM-9M can be outfitted on the Apache helicopters in game as well as various other aircraft. This would allow countries like Britain to get a good step up the modern meta.

If they are adding the Mig-29 SMT, then its time to bring in some variety to other nations. If the R-73 are going to be added into the game then we are long overdue for outfitting the Aim-9M.

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