Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Or in my opinion if they dont give us 9Ms revoke the ERs on the SMT until AMRAAMs that way theres advantage and sacrafice between taking the 9-13 or the 9-19

Well, that depends imo. If the SMT is the only one to receive R73, R27ET. Then one counter shall receive the Aim9M and later Aim7 as well.

If all Mig29s shall receive it, then so shall the other capable F16s to the same number.


Personally, I would like to see R-73 on 9.13, but mainly on MLD (my favourite jet in game).

Its not possible unfortunately. Once you give a customer a something. It’s very hard to take back without serious ramifications. Additionally GJ would argue it would make the SMT completely worthless and no one would GE it or play it. It is the worse performing Mig29 in terms of energy recovery after high alpha maneuvers.

The best solution is simply offer its direct competitor a upgraded Aim9 and or Aim7 & model the radar!.
The Barak and the C are copy paste radars of the MLU.

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Me too. I hope the German Mig29 gets the R73. It would immediately make it the best Mig29 at close quarters engagements. It would be a good competitor against the improved flight models of the F16A and especially the Netz.


Knowing GJ they model the SMT radar decently well and the APG-68 is in the floor bad or APG-66


i am hoping to they add aim-9L to the f-14A early, fgr2, and f-4j because aim-9g/h to the top tier is kinda slutty

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you forgot that you got f-16 with thermal pod this patch lol and its better than subsonic harrier in all way possible let italians have some fun as their cas is non existant

The AV8B for Italy is sick. Its AMRAAM capable too? Has a great radar and subsonic dogfight capability. It gets a 25 GAU with tracers as well instead. This thing is going to be a very decent threat at Air RB.

Too bad the British decided against making their Harriers have more A2A capability. No radars in theirs, right? Seems odd they would decide that as they literally have carriers for their harriers and need to project some level of air dominance when deployed. Guess not.

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I FORGOT ITS THE GAU 25 F35 Gun go brr


The M2K I believe is getting 4x Magics this update and ive heard bits and pieces about the magic getting IRCCM


with tracers!

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Super excited to hear it in game

Can i get a source on that ?

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It will have been from this thread and tbh I cant be bothered right this minute to go back through it
Besides in a dogfight the 2000 will beat the SMT every time

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is Gripen here yet?

Sadly not and somethings is telling me we wont see it untill December for some reason.

then back to sleep i go

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Well it makes sense but sucks the Gripens flight performance is going to be FUCKED