Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yes, I am not saying Italy shouldn’t get it, I am saying it is stupid that the country that made it isn’t getting it as well. Like imagine if Britain got a South African Gripen before Sweden. Both should receive it at the same time, if not, foreign operators should get it afterwards.

you cant ask for more TOP TIER plane for US you already getting the F16c why are you crying for the harrier2 ? Italy needed a cas US not. You have the F4 which carries a shittone of bombs you have the A10, A7, A6, f105 and almost all AV8. Italy is still missing a decent CAS at 10.0. G91Ys has no business to be at 9.7.

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Read my original post again.

Does the new F16 not fill this role now with the large complement of AGM’s and LITENING pod?

I’m not saying US shouldn’t get the Harrier 2 or that the F16 is an attacker

It does, though my main concern is US’s attacker line at the moment.

Like I said to someone before we’re getting the F16C (50) so we really dont need the AV8 with the F14 and F16C in the same lineup already itd be redundant

It really isn’t redundant if you run two aircraft in your top tier lineup, as two fighters in a lineup you will almost never be able to spawn the other one due to increased spawn cost after the first one.

Which the weaponry on the Av8 will make it cost basically the exact same it wont change anything when you can just use the F16 which will carry way more

No it wouldn’t.

It really would, the fact as players we stil moan and complain just because someone gets an export vehicle before the nation who design the vehicle is so sad, its the curse of a nation who exports lots of tech, natually other nations will get it sooner
And thats fine because most of the time it isnt necessary at the time of initial release for the other nation to recieve the vehicle like the AV8 for example

If you run 2 fighters in ground RB the second one will increase in spawn cost after you spawned the first one.

If you run a fighter and an attacker the attacker stays the same spawn cost if you spawned the fighter first.

I’m not saying that the US should get the AV-8B, but his logic is true.


ok, but it does not change the fact that the R24T is still the best non all aspect missile and it does not change the fact that we are receiving the best all aspect IR missiles for close range and long range in a single patch for one aircraft with an improved radar for its already the best SARH missile in game.

R-24T is an all-aspect missile.


lol really? Its been a while. Wow it was really OP when the MLD came out facing only F4Es the first patch LMFAO. No wonder my KD is insane in it. Poor US mains.

Get ready for round 2 along with my ETs and ERs and better radar.


Real. I honestly cant believe theres a jet in game thats going to have the best A2A offensive armament in every category.

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Hehe second round )))


This time it’s going to be even worse


But for enemies :D

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Thats why me must continue the dialogue. Especially now. It does work.

I play all nations and its boring as hell curb stomping every other fighter. Is the SMT going to be like the MLD was upon release? No I do not think so. The F16As have improved FMs and the F16C is far better in a 1v1 situation when the Mig29 has no R73s.

Regardless, 1v1 performance does not win matches. The ability to kill and kill fast is what does. The SMT is the best by far of all fighters currently if western nations stick with the same variant of Aim9s and Aim7s.

Just give the F16C alone the Aim9M and later Aim7 or some crap and call it a day.

I do not mind the SMT being the best in the game (though not historical), but keep the distance it is best a little closer in capability to the others.


But AIM-9M not only to F-16C but also for other nation which had it historically and which need them to counter SMT.

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