Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Sorry ! Gaijin confirmed Commonwealth tech to the British tree hehe

I guess it’s time to grind Britain

mhm I mean Leos make more sense than T-90s


welcome to Salzburg I guess

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it’s always time to grind Britain

Spitfire F MK.24 is reason enough (until it gets powercrept by some idk premium Cesna attacker with 9X)

After the update I will as the RP is crazy as I will be able to grind at least 3 aircraft a day now

uhm I ground all Griffons in 2 days before the Update

We’re getting a new 4.3 destroyer! Aren’t you happy? Isn’t that what every Japanese player is just clamoring for? ANOTHER mediocre ship at 4.3?


Iam hoping for this. Typ 93 wants to bully Tanks now


What do you mean you want a new vehicle thats USEFUL? Don’t you want all 19 Yugumo class ships? Don’t you want all 10 Ayanami type ships? Clearly Gaijin knows better, since that’s the hell they seem keen to give us.


Do yall not know that its confirmed that we’re getting a SAM this update?

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working on sth, not confirmed for this update, could happen, but wouldnt get my hopes up

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what big brain said this in 2022

Anybody else kind of totally put-off from top tier in general this patch? I just fail to see why you’d have any incentive to play the F-16C, nonetheless a nation with only a 3rd gen top tier plane, against the SMT.

To be fair it was said that if it didnt get a devblog itll be in the live

Pretty much everyone except the one nation won’t have incentive to play top tier.
No missile comes close in terms of performance of R-73 at close ranges
F-16C still stuck with 9L, Barak II with 9L… Meanwhile all SMT has to do is to get within 1.5km, launch a rocket and grab popcorn as poor guy tries to evade and ultimately fails

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1 nation?, what did britain, sweden and japan get again?, if u talking air purely add germany, france as well

But the Lynx is produced in Germany, in Unterlüß. What makes you think to there are no Germans? In future there will be also an assembly line in Hungary, but its just the final construction with parts still comming from Germany.


Here are these German Lynx under construction. In a german plant, designed by Germany engineers and workers of a German company in a german town of Unterlüß.

But ye…lets just add it to Italy insted.


Everyone except russia, I meant
I am aware Britain, Sweden, Japan, Germany and France got no new toys this patch…
But speaking strictly from air RB perspective, F-16C also brings very little new to table. Sure, you got HMD which can slave 9L seeker but that’s it. Same Sidewinders and same Sparrows as ADF just a little faster.

fair enough