Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

You see the axact same thing with the Bhisma to Britain. Just because GB already has Challangers, doesnt mean GB can’t get Russian origin vehicles. India was part of their commonwealth, so Britain should get the Bhisma, not Russia because it’s a T-80/90 variant.

No, because France isn’t a sub-TT

but UAE has leclercs and UAE could end up as a german sub tree easy

The mental gymnastics are incredible. 10/10

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If the UAE becomes a sub-TT for Germany (which i don’t see happening), sure, give Germany the Leclercs (only the UAE variants).

would at least be more original then giving another nation yet more german tanks

Why would it? If a nation operated German vehicles - give that nation their used German vehicles.

Leopards to France: Hard nope!
Leclercs to Germany: Why not?

I’m so done with this room temp IQ.
See ya bois.


i dont want leclercs in german tree, the whole thing is ridiculous
i just wanted to say that another nation can suffer for once for all i care give the leclercs to israel they would benefit from it as well

This is why I’ve stopped talking it’s like looking at 10,000 pieces of pasta and trying to see daylight through it

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How about an Aussi Leopard hehe

Honestly Aussie Leopards are fine for UK tech tree imo. Just don’t touch Leopard 2A4CAN

How many Leos did Canada used ?

You mean versions?

Yea , SORRY ! :D

Leopard 1A3, C2, C2A1, Leopard 2A4, Leopard 2A4M CAN, Leopard 2A6 NL, Leopard 2A6M CAN.

I think that’s about it

Oh jes so we can have a whole new line from the Vikers of these with the Aussi Leopard AS1

I forecast a Leopard 2A8NO to sweden within the next year. Deal with it



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