Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

F-14B and the F-16A block 10. These aircraft might not be categorised as “strike aircraft”, but their paveways and the amount of bombs they can carry - sure make them attack aircrafts.

thats not completly true, 1 the 2A6EX is pretty much the same as the as the Strv 122 besides the gun, with a bit more penetration. Other things requested were Leopard 2A6A3, that one is a simple thermal upgrade, or another choice PSO-VT that is 2A6 with better thermals and PSO armor.
Only the most blind idiots started demanding the Leo 2A7V, but most of those i named would only have been slight upgrades


germany can also get a LATAM subtree in the future just saying


And the F-16 and F-14B are categorised as multirole aircraft.

(incase you don’t know what “Multirole Aircraft” means: A multirole combat aircraft (MRCA) is a combat aircraft intended to perform different roles in combat. These roles can include air to air combat, air support, aerial bombing, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and suppression of air defenses.)

ehh the what know?, what kind of vehicles does that entail?

you can add the Leopard 2 SG which has STRV122 front armor but DM43 only. there is also the leopard 2A6M CAN which is a base 2A6 but has camo netting and mesh/slat armor all around.

I would like to see most LATAM nations going to France

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that being said modified 2A4 turret wasnt it

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the Leopards have absolutly no place in the france, bad enough that sweden finland, italy and hungary will get them, if france gets any leopard besides the together developed EMBT versions something is gonna burn


Why not?


u arent serious are you?

i am. Why wouldn’t the leopards fit in France?

because they absolutly have no place in that tech tree, you have your leclercs .

And here people say german is greedy, at least we have a remote basis to ask for the KF41


So your answer to why they won’t fit is: “because”, and because the fact that france already has Leclercs?

So by this logic Germany doesn’t need the Lynx as it got the PUMA :D

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ok what is your reason why france should get leopards?

If a nations had good ties with France - which operated leopards - and it would become a sub-TT, if the option is there, France should get them. We should not; not add them to France, because France already has Leclercs.

I love how the reason for adding the Lynx to the German tree changes so much to justify it.

But when it’s a foreign leopard it to suit a need of X country it’s always a No.
Because it’s C&P and they don’t need it


in that case germany can get UAE leclercs since they are in a good relationship as well

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