Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

@Smin1080p no dev blog today?


And how is that different from most other nations that aren’t Sweden or Russia?

Nobody has gotten a Strv 122 counterpart for the last few years, yet Germany is the only nation that people cry about this.

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This image show only the planned concept for the Lynx and nothing about the involvement of the German Army.

i wrote above that the KF41 project developed out of it

yea wheres the mig 29 devblog and my answer as to why it doesnt have 4 pylons on each wing

And? As I mentioned, Rheinmetall developed the Lynx by themselves without the German Army, because at this time the Army wanted already the Puma.

The Leopard 2 is a german tank. The Strv122 is a Leopard 2

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Doesn’t really answer the question, because they don’t suffer more because of that in battle. It’s also funny that a lot of German mains don’t want a Strv 122 counterpart at all. They want a better version of the tank, likr the 2A7V or 2A6EX.

Like most nation mains, the German mains just want to be the next nation on top of the powercreep ladder. So suprising and so shallow.

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There is something more… sinister I’m expecting




and the difference is this too: the Strv 122 never (that we know of) had an 120mm L/55 mounted. the A, B, C and D versions can carry it. its been upgrade to be able to. but never has. so i’ll doubt well see an L/55 mounted Strv122 ingame. we can get better shells tho. but so far im quite happy with my Slpprj M/95.

while several german Leopard 2 tanks has had the L/55. so eventualy Germany will get a better armour package on their Leopards too. making a better overall tank.

There is a german counterpart for the Strv 122, the Leopard 2 TVM max. It’s just that people aren’t asking for it because they don’t want the counterpart, they want the upgrade.

the TVM MAX was what Sweden evaluated, and whould become the Strv 122. idk if i whould call it an upgrade, specialy to later versions of the 122.

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That is what I meant. If German players wanted a Strv 122 counterpart they would have asked for the TVM, but they are not. They are asking for the 2A6EX or 2A7V because they want the upgrade.

Anyway I’m leaving it at that. Imo its a miracle that I haven’t been muted yet.

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Are there any plans for US to receive AV-8B?
Or is F-16C only addition for US air this update?

Why would i matter for the US to get the AV-8B?
And the AV-8B plus in the files is for Italy.

Yea same tbh as all I can see is



No tier 8 attack jet
AV-8B would fit below the A-7 folder (in the next tier)

The US has tier 8 attack jets.

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Such as?

seriously, japan can get the thai VT-4 while china gets the pakistani version of such. thailand won’t be an issue with japan given their lack of colonial history.

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