Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Bglt57, Radkampfwagen and Leopard 2AV projects started at initative of German Army or their MOD tho

funny so did the KF41

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ok it’s simple

is the document older than 40 years? no?

does the top of kf the page or the bottom of the page or any part of the document in big red letters say DECLASSIFIED ? no?

is it a private document for example from a news site or a lexicon? no?

then it’s probably classified! and you SHOULDN’T share it

it being on the internet for sale doesn’t make it Declassified

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And then he woke up and realized it was all a dream lol.


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eh zhe Czech will lay down another one

No, the German Army was never evolved in the Lynx project from Rheinmetall

US mains, Russia mains and Germany mains, you shut it. you get alot of new toys. the rest of us (ecept italy) get only 2 things to grind. specialy Sweden. one low tier tank and a premium. wow.

and japan only seems to get a boat. maybe something else. wow.
the US dosnt need the AV-8B now. you got 3 F-16’s! like. come on.

Gripen When?


So when is this, can you make it english?

While I overall agree with your message sweden ground isn’t really in a position to complain, in particular at top tier.

Their air tree though, that is a whole different story. Rip.

the hell the pso is germanys first real new toy since forever, mig 29 was 1 patch later then anything else and the tornado was added while everyone else nearly got better stuff. Sure name US and Russia but keep germany out of it

I agree it looks poor for japan,britain currently, but screaming at germany because you are angry that sweden isnt getting anything when sweden had the better ground stuff since a long time isnt fair

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UK and Sweden mains seeing US and Russia get another top tier jet and still complaining.


already said so earlier Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2) - #4160 by x_Shini

i would like a explanations to why japan gets nothing


i think there will still come sth

i really dont care that Germany gets the PSO. in fact its about time you do. byt ye. can keep germany out of it.

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Like, Gaijin keeps adding stuff to the game, but they never tell us why they do it.

Germany gets the Leopard 2 PSO after almost 3 years of waiting for a tank with pretty much just the same protection as the 2A5 and 2A6 but still way worse than the Strv 122s. In terms of relevant vehicles atleast, thats it

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already took it back all good

Nvm then