Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

looks like formation lights afaik

Sure youre not thinking of seperation of WW2 and Cold war? Or the Foldering from this update?

I wonder after this Major Update “Sons of Attila” update to live server, gaijin announcement autumn event 2023 ?

didn’t we already have en event?

Gaijin normally have crafting events in the autumn and spring so they will most likely have one after the major patch

There are usually 4 per year.

Crafting events in spring and autumn and narathon events in summer and winter.

Oh today is Monday which means they could potentially change or add something to the dev server.

literally what person would use a t72b3 in their lineup after t90m appears when theres better alternatives?(t80u/uk)

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at that point we’ll just get r77s

not the case at all, T was nerfed and is worse than r24T because of the amount of cope when it first appeard, not only did it get its seeker nerf, but also its stats all around


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I would actually, if they were to add T-90M next patch my lineup for MBTs would become as follows


And then T-80U/UK just for fun if I feel like it but those slots will probably be occupied by some other vehicle like the Pantsir, BMP-2M or some aircraft.

T-90M isn’t going to be some game changing thing tbh it will just be a decent back up.

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I guess today or tomorrow update add Super Etendard SEM standard 3, AV-8B+ from Italy and Loire 130С access test to dev server

The Ranks I imagine they’ll have to. BR, not so sure.

and hopefully Gnat comes out of nowhere

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@Smin1080p I’ve heard some people say the MiG-29SMT and F-16C will be 12.3 on the live server. Is this true?

yes, why ping them for it

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It was confirmed earlier in the thread, and on the English livestream, iirc.

Very scuffed formation lights. To my knowledge the MiG doesn’t even have any and even if, they would be one straight module and not three smaller ones

Yeah, the T-90M will be a very strong tank, but at the dn of the day it’s just an imported T-72B3, and won’t be meta changing in any way, it just helps backup an already strong lineup, although personally I find it redundant to use more than 3 MBT’s in a lineup as I light to mix in SPAA, light tanks and even a missle TD if there’s a good one(the Krezintama can be very good at top tier depending on the map).

Still up in the air tho if there gonna add it this patch but tbh I feel like it’s very possible since other nations are getting new MBT’S and gajjin lives to give Russia more stuff.

those that use more than 3 MBTs in their lineup are mostly the same with : “wHerS ma oNly taNK moDe”